Sat 27 Sep, 2003 04:36 pm
I watched Maria Shriver's 9/23 San Francisco Common Wealth Club speech for her husband, Arnold, today on C-SPAN. She was great. If she did all the public appearances for Arnold, he would be a shoo in. Very convincing support for her husband presented in 10 reasons why people should vote for him. Kind of like Letterman's top 10 list, but better.
Did anyone else watch the broadcast?
Saw excerpts only but she's a journalist and knows better than Ahnold how to shape her words and phrases. Whether they are the truth or not is another story. We may get Ahnold as Governor and although that would not be a catastrophy for either side, it may not serve him well actually having to deal with the politics in Sacramento. Acting is essential in politics -- they all do it to an extent (put on your best airs). Whether his two-dimensional talent can weather the storm is uncertain and could just as easily leave the state flondering in debt for another decade (which is likely what would happen in any event).