Quote:That is probably true enough. But seriously - do you think we shouldn't write things that hurt people? And should we consider any one person's feelings above anyone elses? Is it okay to be mean and disrespectful to one person and it's okay because they are white but protect and deflect attacks upon another because they are black? This does not feel right to me. We either should curb our nastiness across the board or expect nastiness across the board.
This keeps coming up, as though it were a cogent argument against a protest, because the protest is somehow a threat to the right of others to express themselves. Do not those who protest have a right express
their opinions? Have you seen anybody in this debate state or even suggest that the cartoonist has no right to produce such drivel? If there is anyone here saying as much, i dissociate myself from that position. I have already pointed out that people have a right to say anything they like short of inciting to criminality, and that includes saying racist things. And other people have the right to protest against that which is racist.
What is most ludicrous here is that rightwingnuts (and i am not including you in that group) so often sneer at people they are pleased to see as dangerous leftists for their impotence and their whining. Yet in this situation, an argument such as this implies that merely protesting against something seen has having a racist content is effectively the same as censorship, despite the predictable sneer that leftists are impotent whiners. Those who are offended by this cartoon have no power to prevent such things from being produced and published. Far, far worse things are routinely published, both in print and online. Protesting against it does not constitute effective action to prevent the future publication of such things, nor suppress that which has been published.
No one "protects" black people nor "deflects" racist comments by protesting against such comment. They
do exercise
their right to self-expression just as do those who produce racist material. To claim that such material should not be the subject of protest does not feel right to me.