Ya gotta die...it is inevitable.
I faced what I thought was certain death a while back...and didn't get all upset. I had cancer...was wasting away to nothing (weight down to 114 pounds and looked like an extra from Schindler's List...and the prospects looked grim.
I don't even remember being scared...and during the darkest days, probably came to almost welcome the thought of the end finally coming. (I hated that Nancy was having to see me going through it.)
But I laughed and kidded and had reasonable days...even though a part of the ordeal was the complete loss of any sense of taste whatever (probably the worst part of the whole thing.)
But like I said...thinking the end was near was not the worst thing I've ever faced.
I imagine if a sickness is diagnosed...I will be a bit frightened...but I will handle it with dignity.
I'm not anxious to go through a long period of being a vegetable...but I suspect most of us will have that happen to us in a way that we cannot avoid.