maporsche wrote:
chai2 wrote:
Let me ask you maporsche....what amount extra a week would cause you to say "Wow, that's a good deal more than I had, and now I will be able to make my life better, or get it back to where it was."
I don't need any extra money to make my life better.
I just need my house to return to 2006 levels so I'm not sitting with a -50,000 net worth.
Honestly, if I just had 5% equity in my home again I wouldn't sweat my future at all.
It seems to me in your arguments you are assuming everyone is in the same position as you, so the plan won't work (BTW, as I've said before, I don't know if this is the best plan, how well it will work, etc. I'm just not ready to immediately blast it down until I know what other options are out there. So far I've got big Tex saying don't give anything to anyone, and you primarily, if not entirely concerned with the value of your home)
So you're upside down on your house. You want it to go back up to where you had 5% equity in it.
Let me tell you a little secret. In a decade, regardless of what is going on now, you will have more than 5% equity in your house. If you take that $50 and put it directly into your principle each month, even better.
Live in your house like it's your home, and not an investment, and after a while you'll see it's turned into one while you weren't paying attention. You gotta look at the big picture. Again, I'm not saying "WOW, $13 a week, everyone should be so grateful for that and just take it and count themselves fortunate." But, unlike others, I can see a lot of good a person can do with it, that will reap benefits not this very minute, but not that far down the line either.
Getting back to how this $13 a week won't help you.
I just ran an amortization table on your $300K house with a 30 year mortgage @ 8% interest. Let's just say that's what it is for simplicities sake.
2 scenerios.
You just bought the house and put the $52 extra into principle each month. After 12 months, you be up to payment #38 on your schedule. Over 3 years instead of 1. Over 2 years of EXTRA principle payments made because of $13 a week.
You've owned your home already for 5 years, and start adding in $52 starting with payment 61.
Well, you don't do as well, but guess what? you just got ahead 18 months. You're now up to payment 90 rather than payment $72.
So don't tell me $13 does nothing for you.
Also, you ask me if someone going out to a buffet will "fix" the economy. No, one person doing that wouldn't have an effect.
Again, you're assuming most people are in your situation. Many, many people, when Friday rolls around look in their pocket to see what is left. If there's nothing, they stay home.
If there's $5 or $10 dollars, they go and buy the lightbulbs they need, gas for the car, a bunch of flowers for the bride, a couple of tacos, a paperback book, a CD, can of coffee, a starbucks, some hair coloring.....and they'll something else the next time they have the extra money.
So many people getting so many things, even if not every week (they might save up a couple of weeks for a pair of jeans for their kid) will have an effect.
You made the choice to buy a house where $50 is 1/50th of your payment. Now your choice is what are you going to do today to make it easier in a time that's past the end of your nose?
If you think that's bullshit about putting your money in your house, that's too bad.
In 1991 I bought a back foreclosure for a little over $50K, I literally put a dollar a day in an envelope every day I came home, sending it off every 3 or 4 months to the principle. I did this during the worst financial time in my life, when a dollar was a stretch.
Things got better, we put $150K into the house (paying no interest, except a couple-three hundred dollars), paid off the house within 15 years, and today it's worth about $500K on the market.
I stimulated the economy by over $200,000 at least, for a dollar a day.
Just think what I could have done with $13 a week.
I am just telling this to show not just you maporsche, but everyone, that if you take what you get, continuing to seek more but not bitching about what you've got to work with at that moment, you can make a difference.