Pro-Zionist Lobby Groups Endanger Jews
With the recent news reports of the possible connection between the “Israeli Mole” at the pentagon and his connection to AIPAC, True Torah Jews feels compelled to state its position on pro-Zionist lobby groups.
Using the guise of representing the interests of American Jews, AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and its French counterpart, a vocal pro-Israel group called the Union of French Jewish Employers and Professionals, known by its French acronym, UPJF, are in fact representing the interests of the Zionist state. In doing so, they are furthering the potential negative consequences if American Jewish groups are perceived as seeking to influence French politics and perceived as possibly jeopardizing American security.
We are concerned that the involvement of UPJF in French politics at a time when anti-American and anti-Israel feelings are in vogue would eventually harm French Jews and that the questionable activities of AIPAC in the United States involving possible American security violations will be perceived as operating with the support of all American Jews.
True Torah Jews is asking AIPAC and UPJF to suspend their operations and to acknowledge that rather than lobbying on behalf of American Jewry, they are in fact representing the Zionist state of “Israel”.
Zionist Threat Alert
True Torah Jews monitors news events to assess the threat of Zionism to the worldwide Jewish community. Using a system similar to the US Terrorism alert, we have posted our designation of the current threat level on our website at:
We encourage you to visit and bookmark this page to stay informed on current events and how they impact the safety of Jews worldwide.
Terrorism Continues in the Zionist State
Our hearts go out to the innocent victims of the terrorist attack on two buses in Israel today. We send our deepest sympathy and condolences to the families. We pray that the bloodshed shall end soon and peace will prevail.