And how many high hours pilots had told you that for some strange reason that they could not had done it?
I would love to hear why they would feel they could not had done so like in the case of Nickfun friend.
A ditching just require a slow landing approach the kind that people used on short runnaways for example every day and a great deal of luck.
Why do you need this man to be more then he happen to be? Would you feel the same emotional need if the command pilot had been a forty year old woman?
Second question if he had been over the ocean instead and with the same skill place the plane down and the ocean waves cause the plane to break up and along with the break up help was not able to get to the location rapidly enough to keep some of the landing survivors from freezing.
Now we have a pilot that due to no fault of his that only have a survivial rate of 20 percents.
Would you still be so emotional set to declare him a hero?
Same man same skill in landing not the same results.