12 hours is a long time, but not in a bad way.
At least, for the working parent..
Another thing that crossed my mind.. is when Jillian dresses herself in the morning..
If I do not pay attention, she will take clothes from the dirty laundry basket to wear.
She keeps one in her room and when she takes off her clothes, she puts them in the basket. Sometimes, something of hers that is a favorite ( like I mentioned above) gets into the basket and not to the washer fast enough and she pulls it out and wears it. An at the last minute in the morning.. Im not going to argue with her.
Does this child speak up about what he is wearing?
Do you get the impression that he may be wanting to wear those clothes for days?
Does he wear diapers? Could it be musty ... diaper on too long.. kind of a smell?
Is the smell his BODY..? Or his clothes?
What about his hair? Kids can sometimes throw a fit about that too. Not wanting their hair washed.
A sweaty scalp can smell even after only 2 days.. where as the entire body would not.. But that isnt something you would notice just walking by a child. You would have to hold them to know that..