@Pamela Rosa,
Quote:It will take a couple of shiploads of flag-draped coffins " and perhaps a couple of alarming incidents in Afghanistan and environs " to wake up Obama's liberal supporters to what they're presently enabling with their silent complicity.
At least a couple of shiploads! How could you build another monstrosity "memorial" wall of the dead in order to "honor" a few handfuls of cannon fodder. You want numbers for cannon fodder, bbbbbbiiiggg numbers, huge piles of cannon fodder.
Maybe in these limited debacles that people suggest are wars, the US could build walls with the names of the innocents slaughtered from these poor foreign lands measured against how fulsome the lies were that led the American sheep to rah rah yet another illegal invasion.
War on terrorism. As the Mirror stated after the second election of GWB;
How can _____ million people be so dumb?!
Y'all got major duped, ... again! When will you ever learn?