Fri 26 Sep, 2003 05:06 pm
In my Theatre class we tried to pick the top 10 plays of all-time. If you guys wouldn't mind, I'd like you all to tell me what you think of our list.
1.) Cats/Romeo and Juliet
4.)Lion King
6.)Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Concert/ Phantom of the Opera
7.)A Raisin in the Sun
9.)Julius Caesar/Diary of a Mad Black Woman
10.) Wizard of Oz/ Beauty and the Beast
I think you need to read more plays! Let me think about it and get back to you. Most of those in my opinion can go.
This isn't to say a good part of your list was not entertaining, they were, but i wouldn't say they are the greatest plays of all time. Plays have been going on for thousands of years, and a good number of yours have only been around for a few decades or less. What will you be reading for your class, if I may ask?
Considering I am a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Freak!!!
TMNT Concert.
My personal list contained mainly Greek plays....but i was outnumbered by the class. But i did manage to round up enough votes for TMNT to get them on the list

This list was as voted by the entire class. This isn't my list.
1.)TMNT Concert
3.)Romeo and Juliet
7.)Death of a Salesman
8.)Diary of a Mad Black Women
That was my personal list.
Very cool. I love how your list is so serious then you tack on the fun ones too. Way to go! I'm not a list maker or an expert. So my list would be too long and too embarrassing because I'm really not up to date. And I can't remember very about those oldies!
See i don't ignore the past.
Come on, share yours....It can't be more embarrassing than mine.
Well, off the top of my head:
The Miracle Worker
The Crucible
The Importance of Being Earnest
Richard III
Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe
(You can tell my era LOL!)
South Pacific
My Fair Lady
(all pretty mainstream)
The Worst thing I ever saw was on cable a few months ago was The Jeckly and Hyde thing with David Hasselhoff. But that's just my opinion.
Nothing recent on my list. Things will come to me tho'.
I read all the old, old playwrites a long time ago. I used to spend a lot of time reading plays for enjoyment, but that was a long time ago!
These aren't nec. the greatest of all time. Just one I like!
Yeah, I know what you mean.
I was blown away by Edward Albee's provacative Tony Award Winning-"Who is Sylvia"- One of the best plays I have ever seen. A truly great playwright's plea for tolerance in this cruel homophobic world.
Is that the one about the gay baseball star?
Child of the Light wrote:Is that the one about the gay baseball star?
I believe you're referring to "Take Me Out" which won the Tony for best play this year.
How did they come up with the name "tony" for the award?
Cool, but why couldn't you just tell me?
As you can see it's a long story. But the short answer is Tony is short for Antoinette. I figured you'd want to know who Antoinette is.