Despite Republican best efforts, there is little doubt that this "stimulus" bill will pass I'd be interested in setting up some hard-core measures of success that we can look at a couple years down the road to see if it achieved any degree of success.
I'll propose the first measure of success. Obama says it will create 4.0M jobs in 2 years...Data below is taken from
US Bureau of Labor stat projections
In Nov 2007, the labor force achieved its highest point on record of 146,665,000 employed and 7,212,000 unemployed. If the stimulus plan works therefore, one would expect that by Feb 2011, we would see 4M new jobs, in other words that figure should change to 150,665,000 with similar reductions in unemployment to drop that figure to 3,212,000 (assuming no natural increase in the US labor force which according to Labor stats is about only 0.1% per year anyway).
There're probably additional metrics about Consumer Spending, Tax Relief, alternative sources of energy, etc., that folks with more time on their hands could come up with...