slkshock7 wrote:
I'll be the first to admit I'm not an economist, and your chart is impressive but very suspect because it's evidently created by hyper-partisans in "the office of the speaker". Nevertheless, since you went to the trouble to find the chart and evidently have superior abilities to "read data", perhaps you'd be so kind as to explain to me what the heck a graph of "Job losses relative to peak months" means...and why I should care....
'Job losses relative to peak months' refers to the total amount of jobs reported lost in the monthly unemployment numbers given out on a regular basis as compared to the highest previous point. You see charts like this often when dealing with the transition of economies from growth to recession. Basically, it says 'what was the maximum number of jobs we had, and how many have we lost since then, in what time frame?'
As you can see, it's not just that we've lost a lot of jobs; Maporsche is correct that the increase in the total population of America accounts for a little bit of the drop in comparison to previous recessions. What is troublesome is the immense speed at which we are losing them. And this is why people are worried and are looking for a fix to the problem; the slope of the graph is not a good one, it's not just a matter of jobs lost, it's that it appears to still be
accelerating, meaning it's probably going to get worse.
And I might even give you a point or two, if you can show me a similar chart from a reputable statistician.
I'll look for one for you.
Quote:And Cyclo, do you ever have a "good day"? I mean, a day that you can sit back and have fun with this board? You come across as angry, frustrated and paranoid, when you should be self-satisfied and amused. I know if our positions were reversed and my party was in firm control of all branches of government, I sure would be.
I'm having a hard time being self-satisfied and amused, b/c our economic situation is bad. Not mine personally, but the nation as a whole. This is troubling to me, b/c after assuming office, Obama is basically hobbled in many of the programs and plans he had made, many of which I supported. Instead he will spend this year cleaning up the mess. There's not a lot to look forward to in that situation for a politico.
As for angry or frustrated? Never. I find A2K to be immensely enjoyable, and the intensity of discussion is one of the reasons. I feel very passionately about political issues and many others here do as well; that's not a bad thing.
Please keep in mind that as a young, well-paid, intelligent, attractive white male who is in great physical health, I am probably the most content person you'll ever meet with my own personal situation. This luckily frees up more of my time to focus on larger political issues.
To answer your question, I always have a 'good day' here on A2K. I think you may be misinterpreting me if you think I'm not.