@Bi-Polar Bear,
You've framed your question in terms of a false choice, by insisting on editorializing on the so called "Far Right" element in America and A2K.
Believing that tax dollars should not be wasted on those who have no desire to fend for themselves and are content with sucking on the public teat is not tantamount to declaring that the poor should be left to die.
If the actual choice was as stark as you suggest, it would be a very very few who would come down on the side of "letting them die in the streets."
The flaw in your entire premise is that all of the money actually spent on supporting the so-called "poor," is not limited to keeping them from death's door. At least 50% of it could be cut and no one would die as a result.
Despite all of the hyperbolic nonsense of the Left, the only people who actually die as a result of poverty are the insane, the incompetent, and their children. For all of your sanctimony, you Liberals are not saving the people who are truly at risk.
By launching crusades against institutions for the mentally ill you ended up throwing a multitude of the insane onto the streets. These are people who are only marginally, if that, able to take advantage of the public safety-net. Is it really so high minded to fight for their ability to sleep in alleys and assault tourists for spare change?
Fight for clean needle programs that enable drug addicts, resist the efforts of municipalities to roust them from parks and apartment lobbies. That's sure to save their lives!
The only way you can save these people is to take over their choices, to allow the State to tell them what they can and cannot do. Throwing money at junkies and homeless incompetents is an utter waste.
No one I know who calls themselves a conservative has any problem with spending tax dollars to prevent people from dying on the street. What's more, they don't have any problem spending tax dollars to provide those who cannot help themselves with well more than subsistence living.
What we do have a problem with is your false choice.
The people who are capable of working but who just don't want to? Don't give them any of our money and watch how fast they will find someway to make money.
Some, no doubt, will resort to crime, but hopefully
they will all eventually find themselves in the warm and accommodating bosom of the penal system.
Having said all of this, no policy of zero tolerance can ever work no matter how good the intention of how much money is spent. If we are willing to waste money because "even one person dying from poverty is too much," then there will be no end to our spending and we will never achieve our goal.
What is truly sad is that in reality all of our social programs are all too capable of letting people fall through the cracks -- even when they have the funds to save them. Incompetence and malfeasance are not limited to the corporate seats of power on Wall Street. This high minded intolerance of losing even one soul to misfortune only rises to the fore when the debate is on about how much of the taxpayers' money the government should take from them.
Once the deed is done the sanctimonious are content, especially since it is not their money that is being used, and the politicians are free to direct the seized funds to wherever the please.
Thus we see a Democratic conceived stimulus package that directs millions of dollars to contraception. Of course this money is not going to the manufacturers of contraceptives so how in the world can it be considered as a proper response to our economic crisis?
Ask Nancy Pelosi on a Sunday talk-show and she will have the utter temerity to respond to the effect of:
Well if we can't create jobs than at least we shouldn't be creating people who need them.
If this isn't one of the most vapid and ridiculous comments ever uttered by a politician...This is the quality of mind that has somehow risen to a position of great power in our nation. How did this happen?
Your question is quite dramatic:
"Hey you hard ass right-wingers. Do you have the balls to let people die on the street?"
But it is at best cynically contrived, and, at worst, symptomatic of the dread mental illness that is Liberalism.