maporsche wrote:
Roger, we are completely on the same page. This would be ideal. I wonder what goes into a feeding tube for those brain-dead folks in hospitals?
ooooh....you wouldn't want that.
BTW, it's not just for brain dead folks, many people get them for various reasons, like they can't swallow after a stroke, etc.
Feeding tubes have to be flushed, cleaned and cared for. They can clog and get lots of nasty bacteria.
Plus, there's a risk of aspirating, infected stoma, etc.
What you said above about your taste buds, them not being sensitive or active...that makes sense. Do you get a sense of satisfaction when your stomach is pleasantly full, or does it just mean you don't exhibit signs of hunger, like headaches, faintness etc.
Actually, the question of "What does it feel like when you're hungry" is interesting in itself.
If you ask 4 or 5 different people what hungry feels like to them, you'll get 4 or 5 different answers, plus your own definition.
I know some people who can't really describe it, like they are out of touch with their bodies response to it's need to be given nutrition.
I've had people tell me they feel their hunger in their throat, in their chest, or just in their mouth.
Me? I can #1 tell my actual stomach is empty. Of course I'm not always hungry just because my stomach's empty, but empty for a while. It will cramp sometimes, contracting like it's looking for something to digest.
Also, I will not be able to concentrate, can't think as clearly.
How do you know you're hungry?