Our discussions have gone on a little bit about being a big kid .
These discussions are brought up by HER..not me

Because she is excited about her 5 year old ceremony. ( March 5) I tell her it is less then two hands of time away. 5 1/2 weeks.
She wants to know how to make her bladder into a big kid too. Among other things. She isnt
fixating on just the bladder / diaper thing.. it is just a piece of conversation that.. honestly..I can help her with.
She also wants to know how to make her body taller. ha
so, I have a tiny alarm set for 6 pm. her bed time is 7:30, lights go out around 8:00 pm.
No more to drink after the alarm.
I tell her that, with out adding more water to her body , it can begin to feel like she may have a bigger bladder because she wont need to pee as much at night.