Foxfyre wrote:
I don't think it is derailing because it is important to know that traumatizing a kid or making him/her feel ashamed or inadequate or unloved because of something over which s/he has no control can scar somebody for life.
I hope , hope , hope.. no one here is reading into this that I am pressuring her in anyway.
I absolutely know that this is not a willfull thing.. just a product of a little bladder and I know that this could go on for years and I am ok with that.
When I say I am ok with that, I dont mean it selfishly...because this is not about ME .... I mean it as in.. It is no big deal. It never will be.
Tiny bodies are incapable of adult tasks. An adult body can hold urine for hours because the bladder is bigger. Tiny bodies can not.
I put no pressure on her. She said something to me that made me think, that is why I started this thread. i will never belittle her, never judge her and never punish her for something her body can not do.
I wanted to see if maybe doing something different would give her a feeling of independence and give her another hurdle to look forward to and conquer.. not control.. not insult.. and never hurt.
Franks parents make me embarassed to be a mother.
There are parents out there all over the place and they are destroying these wonderful little people with behaviors just like that.
It isnt fair, it isnt right and it isnt called for. As a mother I can not fathom spanking Jillian for something like this.
Never........ever........ever. The idea that it is willfull is just beyond me.
Willful pissing is her standing in a corner, pants around her ankles pissing in my plants...

THATS willful... and a totally different ballpark.
A childs bladder is a little less then 1/2 the size of their fist. They can drink 4 times that in one glass.. How could a parent come to a different conclusion? I dont get it. And I dont want to get it.
That kind of parenting is just... horrid.
Im sorry you had to , and STILL have to deal with that Frank. No one, at any age deserves to be punished for something they can not physically do.