Nimh taught me to think differently about politics and political polling.
Occom Bill taught me to not be an ass about illegal immigration purely through the strength of his rhetoric.
Years of arguing with our various Republicans have sharpened my rhetoric and wit, and made me discard my more sophomoric attempts at persuasion in favor of increasingly stronger ones.
I'm sure I'll think of more.
I don't have any single person in mind, but Nimh has certainly opened my eyes to the international world of politics. I usually don't participate on his threads because I feel my knowledge base is too small. Dagmarka also reminds me there is civilization between Germany and Russia.
I've often picked up books based on recommendations from other A2kers.
I've learned more than I want to know about what men think about from the likes of Bear, Kicky, Gargamel, and Nickfun.
George, Thomas, and Joe Nation helped me complete my marathon last year, which may have life altering after effects.
It is much harder to measure the knowledge I've gained from reading/engaging in arguments, posts, threads by other posters.
I do remember reading a lot of Frank's religious threads back when I first joined A2K when I really wanted to argue religion a bunch; he stands out in that regard. I agreed with him on that topic from the get go so he didn't radically change my life or anything, but he did help me cement my thoughts on the subject.
Oy! you're the one who didn't show in Little Italy when my wallet was ready to stand you a drink or several.
What can I say about A2K that will fully explain why I've carved a niche out of my daily routine to make time for it?
Who made me do it? Who to thank? Who to blame?
I will say that the human element of A2K is what has separated it away from other forums I post at.
It wasn't so much A2Kers that have had the most influence, but two posters had an amusing interaction:
Doc (Satanist) & Neologist (Jehovah's Witnesses)
Dys has had a profound impact on my life. I was all charged up and more rigid than I realized ...and his skinny ass sauntered in. I'll never be as limber mentally,... but due to his Herculean patience and wry laconica (ha)... I chilled. I'll never forget Dys showing up on PM, when I'd been naughty...suggesting books, alternate viewpoints,humor, friendship...when I was at my most impossible... He was a bridge for me...from a hideous time to survival.
The frankly superhuman patience and kindness I certainly didn't deserve, but luxuriated in from a tidy group (Beth, osso, Roger, Fox, soz, Craven, lil k, nimh (poor nimh! haha) provided a relatively safe environment for me to learn and improve . I made terrible mistakes, and rather than shut me down...I received a temperate schooling. When I read back, I cringe, and my appreciation multiplies. I also grew in a needed direction, burnished by Cyclo.
I think beyond that...probably for very many of us... we are changed a bit by almost everything we read here.
I am of the belief that no one ever really learns a damn thing that changes who they are at their core and being on this site and Abuzz before it has convinced me of the wisdom of the saying "The players change but the game remains the same."
Always the same discussions, arguments, points of view, supporting and loving moments alongside shitty and mean spirited comment, often from the lips of the same person within paragraphs of each other depending on the subject ans the people involved.
We're just a bunch of human souls stumbling in the dark... heading towards the final oblivion which we will inevitably come to. Being here has certainly reenforced that core belief of mine.
Abuzz and A2K and the many many people here who are smarter, wittier, kinder, more open minded, and the ones who are just obnoxious mean spirited closed minded dickheads, even more than I, serve and have served as an interesting part of my life for which I'm grateful . It would be impossible to be specific so I'll just say "Here's to you and thanks".
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Abuzz and A2K and the many many people here who are smarter, wittier, kinder, more open minded, and the ones who are just obnoxious mean spirited closed minded dickheads, even more than I, serve and have served as an interesting part of my life for which I'm grateful . It would be impossible to be specific so I'll just say "Here's to you and thanks".
You're welcome. And thanks to you too