Yep, Noddy is the first one who comes to mind. I started with Abuzz when I was 7 months pregnant with sozlet, and in the beginning especially Noddy was a huge influence on me when it came to parenting. So much practical advice, but also a general outlook. (Mothers are important. Do your best. Don't try to control everything because you can't. Yes, it's a hard job.)
Boomerang has also been a parenting influence, sometimes in indirect ways. Also a photography influence -- I don't see her photos as much anymore but I sometimes take pictures and say "that's SUCH a boomer picture...." (This is a good thing.)
Ay-yi-yi, this is getting into list territory and I so hate lists because I always but always smack my head at the end of it at the incredibly important people I left out. So. This is not comprehensive, at all.
Nimh and Thomas both have had an influence on how I articulate my thoughts and approach things logically, I think. Robert too, definitely Robert. And FreeDuck. FreeDuck's another parenting influence too.
I remember that when I first joined Abuzz dlowan would absolutely blow me away with the sustained badinage, literary references galore and FUNNY. I'm not sure if she's an influence per se because I'm nowhere in her league, but I know that she's another one who I think of at non-A2K times... would she think it's funny? Then it is.
Patiodog is in that category too.
OK, nowhere near finished or complete but will stop there anyway...