Thu 22 Jan, 2009 06:29 am
While Obama seems coreed with Gravitas,pietas, dignitas, and justitia, mr Biden will bring several whoopie cushions to Blair House and is already richly mining the world of gaffs and malaprops. On Tuesday he asked a man in a wheelchair to "Stand up so everybody can see you", and yesterday he made a rather colorful comment about how the Chief Justice flubbed the oath the first time.
I was concerned that wed have no member of the administration to which SNL could begin dremeling. Whew, Im relieved.
He just flew in the other day and his arms are very tired.
Biden definitely has foot in mouth disease. I was not thrilled about Obama picking him as the number 2 man. Of course, he is no where near the comic genius that is Sarah Palin, but he does show promise. At some point he was considered for Secretary of State, and I think we may have avoid an international crisis by keeping him in Washington where someone can keep an eye on him.
ron bennington of the ron and fez show (sirius/xm) says he looks like exactly like the guy who punches you in the face in a bar because he thought you were the guy who said something about his cousin
I yearn for the good ole days when hardly anyone knew what the vice president's name was. Somehow, over the past dozen administrations, it's become a respectable and important job.
@Merry Andrew,
during the last administration it was called the presidency
djjd62 wrote:
during the last administration it was called the presidency
Oh yeah...
I didn't know Biden was a klutz.
Remember Gerald Ford? As I recall, he served his short term as President without a veep. So he had to do all the klutzy things himself. He was waaay worse than Joe Biden. SNL and other comedy venues had a field day showing him tripping over his own shoelaces.
@Merry Andrew,
chevy chase, who looked nothing like ford, was perfect as the vp, he'd get up from behind a desk pick up a football and stumble coming around the corner, it was a better and funnier impression than 4 hours in a makeup chair
I like Joe.
I think he brings a lot to the Obama administration. One of these things is to offer a counterbalance.
Yes, there is such a thing as too much gravitas.
Joe will be a fine vice president.
@ebrown p,
Oddly, I like him, too. He strikes me as being a very decent person.
I think Biden made a joke about his fear of dancing (with all the cameras and attendant attention) on inauguration night. I can sympathize. (Anyone see Paula Prentiss wearing glasses in a film comedy years ago? I sooo related to her. Oopsie daisy.)
Ive been on many a morning train with the Biden "posse" from Wilmington. He always had time to talk with anyone and he enjoyed being a Senator.
He is a great decent guy , BUT, hes also got the problem of not knowing when to shut up. Hes always the guy who feels hes gotta keep the talk going and he said many embarassing things while filling the voids.
He should learn some tricks of meditation and enjoy the silence once and a while. Ditto his wife.
Oh yes, his wife really took the cake when she blurted out that Biden had
two job offers with the Obama administration.
@Merry Andrew,
Merry Andrew wrote:Remember Gerald Ford?
Slip one time on the stairs coming off of Air Force One, and nobody remembers anything else....
DrewDad wrote:
Merry Andrew wrote:Remember Gerald Ford?
Slip one time on the stairs coming off of Air Force One, and nobody remembers anything else....
I was not blind to his faults, but I liked Gerald Ford.
Even Biden can't match Spiro Agnew for funny. I mean, Spiro had to be chuckling over lines such as "nattering nabobs of negativity." Nobody would employ such speech and not be mindful of the humor in it. I enjoyed him so much that I wore a Mickey Mouse style watch that had Spiro on the face instead of MM. We lost a great source of entertainment when he resigned in disgrace.