Fri 26 Sep, 2003 04:13 am
Watched the beauty contest of would-be Democrat Presidents being questioned by reporters on television last night .
Although any and all the candidates were clearly smarter and would make better Presidents than Bush (even Abe Lincoln and he's dead), none appeared to possess anything near Clinton's personal charisma. Whatever his short-comings, people liked the man and forgave him his sins.
In terms of physical appearance alone, John Edwards was probably the most attractive to potential voters. Wes Clark came across as someone untainted by past association and with decision making abilities.
Speaking generally, I liked most (but not all) of them. Therefore, must remain undecided
Who said the most astute comment of the debate?
Who answered as if they weren't reciting something?
John Kerry and Wes Clark looked positively Presidential. Even Joe Lieberman managed to impress me (no small feat).
Gephardt and Dean came off a bit shrill with their exchange. Post-debate pundits kept calling Dean a 'little teapot'.
Sharpton had the best line, as always: "eight politicians, an officer (gesturing to Clark) and a gentleman" (gesturing to himself). Carol M-B chimed right behind that with "...and a lady."
John Edwards and Bob Graham may as well have been invisible.