Anyway my feeling is that the United States would devolve into smaller states as a result of the financial meltdown as people start taking things into their own hands as they can't rely on government any more. There could have been a civil war as well.
Canada would be affected as the British felt it as a backwater country and did not see the looming crisis of Western disenfranchisement by the Eastern establishment. The provinces of Ontario and Quebec alone account for the majority of the Canadian population and the elections reflect that. The Senate is appointed. The Founding Fathers of American Revolution saw to it that densely populated areas would be sliced and diced into smaller political states so as not to dominate the political land scape. Ontario and Quebec dominate Canadian politics and crack seams are appearing as the Liberal Party seems to represent Ontario and Quebec mainly and the Conservative Party Alberta where the oil sands are and British Columbia. The new Democratic Party represent Labor. The Bloc Quebecois Party presents separatists in Quebec. With a broken up United States I can see British Columbia and Alberta joining up with California, Oregon and Washington States to form Cascadia. Alaska would probably be involved. I can see Texas and Floridabecoming the bookends of the gulf states such as Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama with other Dixie states Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia forming a coalition. These are the strongest impressions. Midwest and the Northeast are hazier for me as to which direction they will take.