With red-necked-loud-mouth-female-instructor that would probably be perceived as challenge to her "mighty stature". It seems that standing in front of a class has inflated her ego in combination with her insecurities as discussed below**
As I mentioned at the beginning of this weird thread the most I ever did was once politely ask her to be a bit quieter...........talk about overreacting!
She appears to have taken that request as a personal ongoing offense combined with (as noted earlier) exaggerated and specious claims behind my back.
**I recall her telling me (when she was on friendly terms with me) that she has a loud mouth, and this has caused her trouble. So it would come as no surprise to me that she is sensitized to being too loud.
- However that is not an excuse for her to make her problems my problems.
- Nor is it an excuse for her to mistakingly perceive my simple polite request as a personal attack.
- Nor is it an excuse for her to blurt exaggerated and specious claims behind my back.
Believe me if I wanted to make a personal attack, I could easily come up with something a lot better than words to the effect of "would you please be a bit quieter?"