Wed 14 Jan, 2009 05:52 pm
Hey, i want a thread all about me. I should be the center of attention. So, can you tell if i am actually god, or just an attention whore?
ha! that about sums it up. you're both and it's all good!
Yeah ! ! !
People are paying attention to me!
And a couple of Babes, too . . .
Wow . . . another one . . . this thread is a Babe magnet!
Setanta wrote:Hey, i want a thread all about me. I should be the center of attention. So, can you tell if i am actually god, or just an attention whore?
Spendi is an attention whore. You're more like an attention brat.
I thought this comment might stimulate some heated debate, Setanta!
... & gain you
even more attention!
how do we know they're babes, they haven't had their own 20 questions thread
The thread title is all caps.
That says it all.
are you challenging me to start "am i a babe or just a bored procrastinating tired old broad with no social life?" thread?
George wrote:
The thread title is all caps.
That says it all.
exactly, he's a woman! wait...
My vote is that Setanta is God. (may dog bless you, may he shower you with his golden....)
Quote:People are paying attention to me!
I'd pay a lot more attention to you if you weren't so bloody anti-American. You've been in Canada too long. And stop bragging about your IQ, OK? God or no god, it gets tiresome after a while.
Hey guys, the Babes showed up in this thread because of me . . . just wait your turn, and be thankful you know a Babe magnet like me . . . why, i can turn even a tired old procrastinating, bored Slovak broad into a Babe, with a wiggle of my pinky ! ! !
Setanta wrote:
Hey, i want a thread all about me. I should be the center of attention. So, can you tell if i am actually god, or just an attention whore?
So...who are you? I don't recall ever having heard of you.
Lighten up, MA . . . don't be blowin' my cover . . .
Huh . . . one wabbit, and the rest are Babes? I can live with that . . .
He's not god and he's no attention whore either.
We could call him Fountofirritability though.
Who? Me ? ! ? ! ?
Goddamnit O'George, knock it off ! ! !