Quote:Again please indulge me to explain this as I think those in the video see it:
Again they aren't talking literal rewrite here, but they are talking an ideological rewrite from the perspective of the teacher. And the reason that the teacher would ideologically 'rewrite' the history is because the teacher himself or herself believes America and Americans to be inferior to other cultures
Okay, well this is news to me. I don't think I've ever met another American who has ever said, 'America and Americans are inferior to other cultures'.
And I was taught history in highschool and university by those crazy 60's radicals you're talking about- yeah that'd be about right- they were ten, fifteen, twenty years older than me.
Do you (or I'll say 'they' for the purpose of this discussion since all you're doing is explaining 'their' mindset) ever talk to any of these teachers who are so ideologically radical and down on America? Do you ever speak with any of the students to find out exactly what message it is they're receiving?
And even if they are in a classroom with what I would consider to be the extremely odd or exceptional American who continues to live in America believing they're inferior and living in an inferior country,
do you think they're all just mindless little sponges soaking this propaganda up as they sit on their inferior asses dolefully and passive aggressively
( manipulatively) waiting until they're adults so they can don the coat of the victim and join the welfare line?
Hello? You must be living among different Americans than I if you think this scenario is the norm. My impression has always been and continues to be that most Americans- teachers, students, and otherwise-think America is the **** and if they're lucky enough to have been born there they feel they've hit one of life's jackpots and if they've been able to immigrate, they're happy to be living there and would just about do anything to not have to leave.
And my impression is that I could extend that attitude to a lot of the world. The question I get asked more than any other question is, 'If you could live in America - why are you living here?' And that's by the people who were born, raised and continue to live here.
Quote: to be greedy or exploitive or imperialistic or mercenary or whatever. The teacher was taught or came to believe it through association with cultists from the 60's or from Europe who otherwise received enlightenment and who have had their eyes open to see the evil around us.
And thank god they did. Because all of those things were/are true about America. I thank god I grew up and lived in a different America than the one in which my parents lived. I thank god that it's been changed by caring and compassionate adults who came before me and struggled and strived to change it into a place where someone like Barack Obama could be elected president.
Do you have a problem with the changes that took place in the 60's in America?
Quote:They thus must depict our culture as one structured to keep the little guy--the poor, the lame, the minority, the female, the gay, the disadvantaged etc. etc. etc.,i.e. the victim--down. The only remedy for this is to take down the oppressor--interpret that rich and powerful--and it is the duty of government to do that and the duty of all concerned people to see that it is done so that a utopia of peace, tolerance, and equality for all will be established.
No, I think that's just false. I think that most Americans, no matter how poor, love and cling to the possibility that America represents. And they understand this is a possiblity that is more available to them simply because they live in America (even if they were not born American). Thus, they don't begrudge those who were born here or came here and made their money honestly, as long as they didn't make it on the backs of other people.
Which unfortunately does happen to be true about how a lot of American fortunes were made.
Hell, I don't like that fact either. Do you? Should we?
I could go for the 'peace, tolerance and equality for all' bit though.
Gunga - public schools are doing the best they can with what they're given to do and the time they're given to do it.
Yeah, wouldn't private school be nice for everyone? No argument here...
Yeah, wouldn't it be great if all parents were naturally gifted and appropriately educated to teach their children at home....no argument there either.
Unfortunately, that's not the case.
And until it is, you work with what you got...
I would NEVER send my children to a school run by the first man in that video. He might as well say, 'be suspicious of everyone who's not like you'.
Absolutely hateful.
Quote:This mindset permeates all of education but is all based on a historical perspective.
That's open to debate...I've worked in education my entire adult life, and I haven't seen it...but maybe you know more about it than I do. When's the last time you were in a public school history classroom?