Thu 8 Jan, 2009 01:16 am
Caroline Kennedy: The Best the Dems Have To Offer
by Mac Johnson (more by this author)
Posted 01/07/2009 ET
Updated 01/07/2009 ET
I hereby offer my full endorsement to Caroline “You Know” Kennedy to be selected as the next Senator from New York. This may surprise my regular readers (thanks to both of you, by the way) as I tend to lean a bit right of center. Also, more than a few people have pointed out that she is absolutely without qualification, ability, experience or appeal. But on the plus side, she’s a Kennedy, and what’s not to like about that! (Other than the booze, manslaughter, heroin, opposition to windmills, collaboration with Hugo Chavez, DUI, open borders fanaticism, taxing, spending, and the unearned wealth, privilege, and sense of entitlement, I mean.)
For those that might think it is unfair to judge Caroline, you know, by her family, let me point out that by attempting to be appointed Senator without any qualification other than her name, she is essentially asking us to judge her by her family. So have at it.
Plus, Caroline would represent an important first for New York in this year of so many important political firsts -- the first woman to inherit a New York Senate seat without sleeping with Bill Clinton. Such self-made women are to be appointed as role models for all women.
It must also be pointed out that a hereditary ruling class is what made America great. In fact, I believe the American Revolution was fought specifically to give Americans the right to ruled over by a wealthy heredity elite born to power by the divine right of their family tree. Actually, I need to check that fact, but it must be true because about half our leaders in the last few decades have one of three last names.
And not only is eloquent royalty like, you know, Caroline, you know, um, you know Kennedy exactly what a true democracy is all about, but she is the perfect candidate for high rank in the Democrat party. I say this because the Democrat Party is essentially a coalition of the paternalistic and the infantile: a union of an elite that believes you must be taken care of like children with a voting block that wants to be taken care of like children. Looked at that way, who better than, you know, Caroline?
If some self-made person were to get hold of high office, they might expect others to make a little more of themselves -- and we can’t have that.
Yet another reason to appoint, um, you know, Caroline is that, as Gov. Blagojevich pointed out just a couple of weeks ago, a Senate seat is an effing valuable thing -- you don’t just give it away for nothing based on some bunch of dumb qualifications or experience. No, you use it as a reward for being an early, influential and wealthy supporter of Barack Obama, and also for being named, you know, Kennedy.
Caroline Kennedy is exactly the sort of leader New York and America needs: connected to Washington and detached from Middle America, simultaneously part of the establishment and totally inexperienced. We can count on her to be a reliable and inspirational rubber stamp for the most high and holy Dalai Obama as he ascends to office in the coming weeks. Isn’t the fawning mainstream media check and balance enough upon Obama? Do we really need to burden him with a confident, competent and independent Senate as well?
NO! Caroline Kennedy is the only logical choice to be appointed Senator -- until Chelsea Clinton becomes old enough to inherit the privilege her mother inherited from Bill.
Kennedy for New York! Kennedy for Massachusetts! Kennedy for Rhode Island! Kennedy for America! Kennedy forever!
Caroline truly is the best her party has to offer -- and they may be about to prove it by appointing her to the Senate. After all, if she weren’t the best candidate for the job, why would they choose her?
Human Events
No. We do not need another Kennedy or a Schlossberg.
You know... I don't think we... uh... need... uh... you know... another... uh... Kennedy.
Why is there an assumption that the Democrats should or would offer their "best"?
But, since Carolyn Kennedy would be running in NYS, is it not interesting that so many non-New Yorkers might have a strong opinion on New York politics? Are many New Yorkers concerned about who runs from other states? I do not think so.
Anyway, how much anti-Carolyn Kennedy sentiment reflects Kennedy bashing, or liberal bashing or Judeophobia because her husband is Jewish?
I say most of the anti-Carolyn Kennedy sentiment is a result of folks noticing her inability to
articulate a clear thought without saying you know. That and her total lack of experience.
Carolyn Kennedy reminds me of another individual that shares the same conditions, but he got elected.
You know... maybe uh... liberals like... uh... Caroline, because... uh... she... you know...
makes uh.... O boy, you know... look uh... smarter and uh... more uh... you know... articulate.
Foofie wrote:
Why is there an assumption that the Democrats should or would offer their "best"?
But, since Carolyn Kennedy would be running in NYS, is it not interesting that so many non-New Yorkers might have a strong opinion on New York politics? Are many New Yorkers concerned about who runs from other states? I do not think so.
Anyway, how much anti-Carolyn Kennedy sentiment reflects Kennedy bashing, or liberal bashing or Judeophobia because her husband is Jewish?
She could be the replacement for Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts, if not in NY.
I feel your pain.
I hope you will excuse me for enjoying it so much!
Miller wrote:
Foofie wrote:
Why is there an assumption that the Democrats should or would offer their "best"?
But, since Carolyn Kennedy would be running in NYS, is it not interesting that so many non-New Yorkers might have a strong opinion on New York politics? Are many New Yorkers concerned about who runs from other states? I do not think so.
Anyway, how much anti-Carolyn Kennedy sentiment reflects Kennedy bashing, or liberal bashing or Judeophobia because her husband is Jewish?
She could be the replacement for Ted Kennedy in Massachusetts, if not in NY.
She is a New Yorker. She lived on the upper east side. Why disenfranchise her from her New Yorker residency?
Maybe she should open the very first Kennedy defensive driving school.
No we don't need another Kennedy, but there's nothing wrong with another Kennedy as long as he or she is qualified to serve.
Caroline is not.
I don't doubt that she is intelligent, but so are millions of others.
The only reason she is being considered is becuase she is JFK's daughter.
The Kennedy dynasty bears all of the traits of the old European dynasties: one or two exceptional, but flawed members rising above a pool of miscreants and defectives shamelessly exploiting their name.
Caroline is, by no means, the sort of sybarite her uncle and some cousins are, but not being a deeply flawed Kennedy is hardly qualification enough for the Senate.
Except with Old Liberals, the Kennedy name has little magic.
A generation from now their dynasty will have gone the way of the Hapsburgs, Roosevelts, and Vanderbilts.
Thank God.
@Finn dAbuzz,
A good overview, Finn. Could you do one for GWB now?
Quote:I say most of the anti-Carolyn Kennedy sentiment is a result of folks noticing her inability to articulate a clear thought without saying you know.
I pretty sure that this is the longest sentence that's ever been posted under your moniker. Who wrote it for you?
I said most of the anti-Carolyn Kennedy sentiment is a result of folks noticing her inability to articulate a clear thought
without saying "you know " and all you can do is comment on how long the sentence is. Why are you avoiding the topic?
In my opinion, one of the things lacking in the Senate right now…is a person (persons, actually) who has not been a career politician…and preferably has as a major training background something like “stay at home Mom.”
That body needs former “stay at home Mom’s” a shitload more than it needs more “experienced” politicians.
Maybe a little more “stay at home Mom” and a little less “by cock is bigger than yours” would be a huge improvement for that body.
@Frank Apisa,
Yeah, most moms have the advantage because they handle the finances and family logistics
but I would also was more independent small business people working along side them moms.
A few roosters in the hen house ~
@Bi-Polar Bear,
Actually a good point.
Democrats may need Democratic stay at home moms and Republicans may need Republican stay at home moms, as soon as party affiliation conflicts, the stay at home mom is an inexperienced embarrassment.
BTW - Caroline is hardly a stay at home mom and she doesn't have one one hundreth of the experience of Palin.
Love ya all. Truly.
But as I said: I feel your pain! And I'm enjoying it!