georgeob1 wrote:
I've spent a good deal of time in Israel and we both know that Palestinians, both citizens of Israel and residents of the former West Bank territories, get a pretty bad social and economic deal in Israel. True it is a good deal better than what Jews would get in Gaza or the West Bank without the active protection of their government, but that isn't an acceptable standard in the modern world. The Christian population of Palestine has almost been wiped out.
Tolerance throughout the Middle East was a good deal better in the Ottoman Era than it has been since the British, French and Russians brought down the Empire in 1918. Oddly they all appear to have succumbed to rather complete forgetfulness of their roles in the continuing crises. and appear to think that history has absolved them for their misdeeds.
Not really ("forgetfulness" from paragraph above). Germany is very cognizant of its excesses in WWII. But, since many in the rest of the world seem to trivialize the Holocaust as just an ongoing hissy fit of sorts (by Jews I'm implying), your first paragraph above makes sense to many.
However, the intractable Zionist feelings amongst many Jews world-wide (all 14 million), in my opinion, just reflects that WWII was the collective defining existential experience that might be equated to PTHD (Post Traumatic Holocaust Disorder). So, one should not think that Jews will have an epiphany, any time soon, that their handling of the Palestinian situation "isn't an acceptable standard in the modern world," in my opinion.
And, you ignore the fellow travelers of an Evangelical bent (all 60 million or so).
Enjoy the west coast. It is anathema to many on the east coast. The culture is just too focussed on "fun," in my opinion. Popular culture's definition of fun.
By the way, if the Hindus are correct, I'm coming back as a Methodist. I was impressed by their character in the military.