Chavez: Israel kills Gazans in Holocaust
Tue, 06 Jan 2009 22:57:33 GMT
Hugo Chavez Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has called on the International Criminal Court to try US and Israeli leaders for killing Palestinian civilians.
According to the Latin American Prensa Latina, Chavez told reporters that the international community needs to take US President George W. Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to court for ???????flexing their military muscle in a civilian zone.
The Venezuelan president denounced Washington and accused the West of hypocrisy for criticizing Hamas for defending the Palestinians under the relentless Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip.
????????The Venezuelan president denounced Washington's ?????vile deeds, ?????slamming the West's hypocrisy in accusing the Palestinian Hamas for defending Palestinians under the relentless Israeli onslaught in the Gaza Strip.
He stated that the US and Israeli leaders must be tried at the International Criminal Court so the world's collective conscience can be at peace.
Chavez said the United States wants Hamas to ???????move out, "but not the Israeli prime minister. He is defending his people. How cynical!"
At least 660 people have been killed and 2,950 wounded during the ten days of the ongoing Israeli aggression in Gaza.