Ann Coulter Kicked Off NBC's 'Today Show' -- Appears on CBS
By E&P Staff
Published: January 05, 2009 5:25 PM ET updated
NEW YORK Was columnist and author Ann Coulter merely canceled for one day -- or, as Matt Drudge headlines it at his blog, "banned for life" due to alleged untruths in her new book?
What is known for sure is that Coulter posted on her own site that her appearance on tomorrow's Today Show, to promote her new anti-liberal and anti-Obama book, had been axed.
"I guess this ends the 'they just want to get ratings' argument about liberal media bias," Coulter commented on her site.
Michael Calderone at Politico.com put it this way: "Media Matters has been picking apart the book, and last week asked the following: 'Is NBC going to help Coulter sell this book?' Seems like they're not.
"An NBC spokesperson was not immediately available for comment."
UPDATE -- To watch her appearance on CBS on Tuesday morning go to:
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