That was a good one, Mac. I know Nicole was a physician in Days of Thunder. I hope this isn't a double post. I was disconnected.
Gary Cooper
Steve Martin
Woody Strode
Rod Steiger
Frank Sinatra
Gary Cooper - High Noon + 30 others
Steve Martin - 3 Amigos
Woody Strode - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Rod Steiger - Cattle Annie and Little Britches +
Frank Sinatra - 4 for Texas
Not what I'm looking for Mac. Not a western role.
Would you have told me if any of my titles matched?
But two of them do take place in the West and one of them is a Western, but that's not what I'm looking for. Think about the titles.
Oh Mac I just saw your post. No, none of those titles match.
Well SERGEANTS came close.
Gary Cooper - Sgt. York
Steve Martin - Sgt. Bilko
Woody Strode - Sgt. Rutledge
Rod Steiger - The Sergeant
Frankie was a private in From Here to Eternity and a major in Manchurian Candidate, but was he ever a sergeant?
You got it right, Mac. Frankie was a cavalry sergeant in Sergeants 3, a rehash of Gunga Din.
I'm signing off for now.

Phone calls are waiting.
Jungle 2 Jungle
Down and Out in Beverly Hills
Point of No Return
Three Men and a Baby
They are all remakes of a French movie:
Sommersby -The Return of Martin Guere
Jungle2 Jungle - Little Indian, Big City
Down & Out in Beverly Hills - Renoir's Boudu Saved from Drowning
Point of No Return - La Femme Nikita
Three Men and a Baby - Three Men and a Cradle
New question:
Spencer Tracy
James Earl Jones
Alfre Woodard
Walter Matthau
Milo O'Shea
They've all played judges.
Spencer Tracy - Judgment at Nuremberg
James Earl Jones - Sommersby
Alfre Woodard - Primal Fear
Walter Matthau - The Grass Harp
Milo O'Shea - The Verdict
You got it Mac. Judges is correct. I was thinking of First Monday in October for Walter Matthau. Your turn.
Whoopi Goldberg
Mia Farrow
The Color Purple
The Purple Rose of Cairo
Purple Rain
You're right, fb. Your turn.
Henry King
Phillip Kaufman
George Stevens
Steven Spielberg
They all directed films with SUN in the title:
Henry King - The Sun Also Rises
Phillip Kaufman - Rising Sun
George Stevens - A Place in the Sun
Steven Spielberg - Empire of the Sun