@Debra Law,
It doesn't matter how his image has been damaged or that he has been charged with crimes.
As long as he is the Gov of Illinois, he has the authority to name a replacement for Obama.
If the Ilinois Dems want to short-stop Blago-Gate then good for them. I would if I were them but the Law doesn't make it so easy for them to do so.
Special Election -- Why not?
It would resolve all of this seedy shite, but it might result in a Repub Senator.
So the powers that be - DEMOCRATS - are not about take such a chance.
So they desperately try to send Blago t0 the rubble so that they can have a far more party attuned replacement step in.
It is filthy politics no matter what you are inclinded to embrace.
Know this - It is all personal fortune befoe the fortune of the nation.
Conservative are just a little bit better than Liberals