But don't ferget to pick up a bag of feed for that new colt.
Wut, yews doan unnerstan' how a redbluudy 'merrcun ferm Hollantayown tokz? Jest cuz yew sayound lak muh cuzzins ferm westa'junyar, Bawl'mer ainna goddernuff? Humph! I aininvitin' yewzawartch nastker wimme!
Reee-uch? Nah, Lester'll jes put it on our tab.
Knyew cowalt! Zatta rivlovler,orra auttymattyk?
Mah fee-yon-say'z rich~ He's got a double-wide!
Rich? Nah ... Yuh oughtta see thuh rich folks on up the road a piece ... they gots 4 pick 'em up trucks an' a RV up on blocks in their yard. That freeze chest on their porch don't git cold no more, but its a helluva bait tank.
Dubblewahd..denheez richhunnufa live in Dundalk, hon! Mebbyevun Essex!
Thuh colt she's talkin' on's a 'Pal-oose/Ten'see Walker mix ... she 'uz jes' foaled here a bit ago. Muh 'volver's a Rueger, but I do gots one uh them Colt slide guns .. an ol' mil'tary model. Heavy sucker, but whutever it hits sure as hell stays hit.
Shoot. I'm gone get me an RV soon's I win the lotto!
Yayuh, timmer, ah lahkez me'yem roogerz tyew! Mah brudder Clyde, heezawun gots more teef'n me, he hadda rooger tyew, buddeee bloowiz foodoffn, an hadda gyo stayatta juh'hokkins hossidul, f'ramunt'.
Well, this here thread is funnier than a rubber crutch!
Hey Laz, y'all better now?
Ya know, ya don' offen come 'cross folks uh this quality quite so far from thuh hills. Had sum cuzzins out that way oncet, but they gots themselfs dee-vorced, an now I jes' ain't sure if wunnuv 'em is still muh uncle or not ... never could keep that branch o' the fambly sorted out. They's jes' plain wierd, ya know?
Cuz Myrtle, is zat you!???
mmm there's these two fellers pissin' off a bridge mmm one of them says the water is deep mmm the other says the water is cold mmm
I believ one of dem fellas was from Oklahoma m mm
Some people call it a Hendrix saw, I call it a sling blade, m mm.
My paw jes goda dravin violashyon fer goan sebny-fave mulner. I dunno whatfer, there ain't been no sahn own the road to tell no one what speed ta drave. Tell you what, he shudda goan ta court. How in tarnashyon is anywoan sposed to know what speed ta drave.