Obama, Woodword, and Bernstein

Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2008 09:52 pm
Imagine the scene, the newsroom of the Washington Post, 1970's...

Two young reporters working on the case of their lives; they have a well placed informant giving up a president.

They tell their editor of this.

"Yeah, forget about it," the editor says. "Nixon is going to change the world."

Where was the national media when Chicago was burning? It's not like they didn't know of the Tony Rezko corruption trial going on during the presidential campaign. Law enforcement types are speculating he is the one singing now?

You know, the guy that "financed" Obama's house?

We have Ben Smith reporting David Axlerod in a lie, yet the next day the matter is dropped from the national radar...


And this, from the Chicago Sun Times:


Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel ducks reporters' questions
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December 11, 2008

President-elect Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, refused to take questions from reporters this morning about whether he was the Obama “advisor” named in the criminal complaint against Gov. Rod Blagojevich.

The complaint states Blagojevich wanted a promise of a high-level appointment or some other reward for Blagojevich in exchange for Blagojevich naming Obama’s friend Valerie Jarrett to replace him in the U.S. Senate.

Emanuel was uncharacteristically absent from Obama’s news conference this morning. He was spotted two hours later in the lobby of Chicago’s City Hall. He was there to listen to his two children performing in a concert with their school, Anshe Emet.

A Sun-Times reporter pressed him to comment about whether he was the emissary named in the criminal complaint.

“You’re wasting your time,” Emanuel said. “I’m not going to say a word to you. I’m going to do this with my children. Dont do that. I’m a father. I have two kids. I’m not going to do it.”

Asked, “Can’t you do both?” Emanuel replied, “I’m not as capable as you. I’m going to be a father. I’m allowed to be a father,” and he pushed the reporter’s digital recorder away.

Blagojevch was caught on tape saying that he wanted the Obama advisor in question to know what Blagojevich wanted in exchange for the Jarrett appointment.

Blagojevich said, “He asks me for the fifth CD thing, I want it to be in his head.” Emanuel represents the 5th Congressional District in Illinois.

No one in the Obama campaign or administration has been charged with any wrongdoing. Obama said this morning that none of his staff has had a hand in any dealmaking on his Senate replacement.

Link: http://www.suntimes.com/news/politics/obama/1326788,rahm-emanuel-blagojevich-obama-121108.article

So, where is the national media? Where is the Washington Post, the NY Times? Libs/progressives accuse Fox of bias, but the national media puts them to shame with their bias.

BTW, is it true that Blagojevich's wife was the broker in the Rezko/Obama house deal? Or is that just a false rumor? The national media is so hands off with Obama, I'm not sure...

Anyway, my usual caveat to the libs/progressives here: I'll be watching the views to see how many of you actually address the issue...
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Reply Thu 11 Dec, 2008 10:33 pm
@A Lone Voice,
A Lone Voice wrote:
So, where is the national media? Where is the Washington Post, the NY Times? Libs/progressives accuse Fox of bias, but the national media puts them to shame with their bias.

BTW, is it true that Blagojevich's wife was the broker in the Rezko/Obama house deal? Or is that just a false rumor? The national media is so hands off with Obama, I'm not sure...

Anyway, my usual caveat to the libs/progressives here: I'll be watching the views to see how many of you actually address the issue...

Where is the media? They are still drinking koolaid celebrating the election, but it seems the shouting is really dying down. Fact is, where are all the Obama supporters on this forum, the enthusiasm sure seems to be dampened. Is reality setting in? Such as waking up one day and realizing, what have we done?

I have mixed emotions about this. I resent the media not vetting this man. And, I doubt the net will ensnare Obama, but if it does, we are in deep trouble. The country is going to have a very very tough time facing reality. So will they circle the wagons, even if it involves outright negotiations of bribery? That would be brazen of the press to try it, but it is entirely predictable that they would be tempted to do it, maybe, if they think he can beat the rap. They would have to calculate the risk. But if the Obama supporters are not willing to face the truth, it is going to be some very tough sledding. Especially after all of this messiah complex, change, the first black president, blah blah blah nonsense we have been fed for months now. Although I would not be surprised at Obama at all, for the sake of the country I think we better hope he is innocent. But then again, what is the risk of 4 years with this guy with not a clue about what he is doing? So I have mixed emotions.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 08:12 am
@A Lone Voice,
Obama addressed the issue

No one in the Obama campaign or administration has been charged with any wrongdoing. Obama said this morning that none of his staff has had a hand in any dealmaking on his Senate replacement.
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 11:33 am
Rahm Emanuel strangely silent. It is apparent he talked to the gov. or gave him a list, and does anyone believe Emanuel wasn't doing Obama's bidding?

If you believe that, I think you need your head examined. Does Obama think we are that dumb? Maybe alot of his voters are?
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 01:19 pm
Well, if you are right okie, it will be proven one way or another shortly after all everything is either on tape or video, if he is guilty it will be found out.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 01:44 pm
@A Lone Voice,
No, it probably won't be found out. For the most part, Obama's disciples don't care who he is, what he says, what he does, or what he intends. They worship him with blind faith and at least for a long time, so long as he doesn't offend them personally, he will be forgiven anything. And since most of the U.S. media is counted among those disciples, they are going to avoid implicating him in any way. They'll mention him now and then but always with the disclaimer that implies he is free and clear.

I continue to watch and hope that he will be better than the expectations of those of us who opposed him in the election. He is the President-elect and deserves every chance to do well, a chance that was often not provided to George W. Bush.

But honestly. The fact that Barack Obama denies any wrong doing is hardly significant. What is he going to say. Sure, I'm guilty as sin, up to my wazoo in dirty politics, and can't wiggle out of this one?

I remember Richard Nixon staring straight into the camera saying with passion and authority, "I am not a crook."

I remember Bill Clinton staring right into the camera at all of us, wagging his finger, and stating emphatically that "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky."

Bernard L. Madoff of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, was arrested today at 8:30 a.m. by the FBI and charged in U.S. Magistrate Court in what will probably be the biggest investment fraud in history. The case is apparently overwhelming. What does he say about it? "It's all just one big lie."

The corrupt Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich refuses to resign saying that he did nothing wrong and will be exhonerated.

Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, reportedly said that he did have a conservation with the Illinois governor re re this. Obama says that he or no one on his staff has had any contact with Blagojevich.

But Obama says he's innocent so that's the way it is.

(He very well may be and in fact probably is. But the fact that his worshippers are unwilling to even think that he could have done anything wrong is the point being made here.)

Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 02:06 pm
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Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 02:13 pm
(He very well may be and in fact probably is.

nuff said
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 02:15 pm
Spoken like a true devoted disciple.
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 02:35 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff, reportedly said that he did have a conservation with the Illinois governor re re this. Obama says that he or no one on his staff has had any contact with Blagojevich.

Foxfyre, does anyone actually believe Emanuel would have talked to the governor about possible replacements without Obama knowing about it and telling him what to do and say? I hate to say it, but Obama is, uh, or has, uh, I hate to say it, but it looks like he, uh, uh, "lied." Unless I am missing something here, and I am sure some grand explanation is being worked on feverishly now, but I don't see how this can be spun away.

But have you noticed the media is going silent or downplaying it, it is being shuffled to the side, already. They cannot afford to have the messiah, the next president of the world, swept away with this little matter, the little matter of bribery requests going on with the governor. The way they are doing it is spinning the governor as a nut, insane, because he was simply practicing Illinois politics. Again, Obama stays clean, but he has already, uh, probably lied about this already in my opinion, so my curiosity remains high.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 04:08 pm
I quoted you; guess Obama has a new disciple. Wonders never cease.
A Lone Voice
Reply Fri 12 Dec, 2008 10:25 pm
What does Obama know, and when did he know it?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 13 Dec, 2008 12:55 am
Obama Worked to Distance Self From Blagojevich Early On

Long before federal prosecutors charged Blagojevich with bribery this week, Obama had worked to distance himself from his home-state governor. The two men have not talked for more than a year, colleagues said, save for a requisite handshake at a funeral or public event. Blagojevich rarely campaigned for Obama and never stumped with him. The governor arrived late at the Democratic convention and skipped Obama's victory-night celebration at Chicago's Grant Park.

. . .

"Obama saw this coming, and he was very cautious about not having dealings with the governor for quite some time," said Abner Mikva, a former congressman and appeals court judge who was Obama's political mentor in Chicago. "The governor was perhaps the only American public officeholder who didn't speak at the convention, and that wasn't by accident. He's politically poisonous. You don't get through Chicago like Barack Obama did unless you know how to avoid people like that."

But Obama and Blagojevich shared pieces of the Chicago political network, which is why this has been an uncomfortable week for Obama's presidential transition team. Senior adviser David Axelrod once advised Blagojevich. Antoin "Tony" Rezko, a developer who was convicted in June of fraud and money laundering, raised money for both men. Robert Blackwell Jr., a longtime Obama friend, served on Blagojevich's gubernatorial transition team. Blagojevich appointed one of Obama's closest confidants, Eric Whitaker, as director of the Illinois Department of Public Health.
more. . .
I get the feeling that it may have been people in the Obama camp, especially e.g. Emanuel, that collaborated with the feds in setting up and nailing Blagojevich.
Reply Sat 13 Dec, 2008 01:21 pm
InfraBlue wrote:
I get the feeling that it may have been people in the Obama camp, especially e.g. Emanuel, that collaborated with the feds in setting up and nailing Blagojevich.

For Obama and Emanuel's sake, I hope that turns out to be true, but in my opinion this does not explain why Obama has been so evasive and shifting his statements. If this were true, Obama would be singing praises of the investigation and probably taking credit for it already it seems to me, but instead we have no openness whatsoever from a guy that promised new openness, blah blah blah. Rest assured the Obama people are scrambling and talking at length, plotting, how to all be on the same page, all of their information to match, how they will somehow explain this all away and make themselves look good, to remain untainted, and a willing press will help them. Right now, it appears one of their best ways to do that is to demonize the governor before the guy is convicted of anything, isolate him out on a limb all by himself and start the sawing, and anyone else notice this program is in full force now. The other tactic is to publish articles detailing how Obama has distanced himself from the governor, blah blah blah, which might be slightly true, but I do not believe all of it yet.

In contrast, in the past, anytime any Demcrat was under suspicion, it was circle the wagons, even William Jefferson, the guy had to be voted out of office years after the money was found in his freezer just to get rid of the guy, nothing was ever done by the Democratic leadership to get rid of an obvious crook, such as is happening to the governor now.

One thing is huge about all of this, the Democratic Party does not, and cannot allow Obama to get entangled in this, and anyone and everyone in the party will work to prevent it at all costs. Count on it. If Obama entertained any deals and there is evidence of it, this will turn out to be the test of a lifetime, the test of the nation, the test of the century, for the investigators and the courts. For everyone's sake, I hope against hope that Obama is in fact squeaky clean. If he isn't, he should be nailed.
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Reply Sat 13 Dec, 2008 01:41 pm
revel wrote:

I quoted you; guess Obama has a new disciple. Wonders never cease.

No, you quoted me with a different conclusion. I don't think 'nuff said' should be the conclusion here.

Obama is pretty well dead in the water to make a disciple of me unless he should renounce and demonstate that he has turned away from a lot of his former rhetoric instead of just pretending he didn't say this or that. He can make me a happy camper, though, by just not following through on a lot of his campaign rhetoric. So far has shown that is isn't much a man of conviction so that may be the way it goes and that is why I won't be looking for things to trip him up on or making assumptions--a courtesy that most of you did not extend to President Bush.

Do I think he is pure as the driven snow in the whole ugly corrupt Chicago machine mess? No I don't.

Do I think he probably did not offer to buy his Senate replacement? I think he probably is too bright to have done that.

Did his Chief of Staff enter into discussions about that? I think it is a safe bet that he did and an even safer bet that there won't be any repercussions about it. Even if in the unlikely event they nail a staffer or two, I think Obama will emerge unscathed.

And Obama's disciples won't care if Obama has already lied about that either.

Meanwhile, he still should not be allowed to get away with it with no attention drawn to it at all. At some point common sense needs to take over partisan hero worship in our national process.
Reply Sat 13 Dec, 2008 02:05 pm

"Communications between Emanuel and the Blagojevich administration were captured on court-approved wiretaps, a source confirmed for the newspaper.

Another source told the newspaper that contact between the Obama camp and the governor's administration over the Senate seat began the Saturday before the Nov. 4 election, when Emanuel called the cell phone of Blagojevich's chief of staff, John Harris.

Emanuel delivered a list of "acceptable" candidates, the source told the newspaper. The list named Obama adviser Valerie Jarrert, Illinois Veterans Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth, state Comptroller Dan Hynes and U.S. Rep Jan Schakowsky of Chicago, the source told the Tribune.

After the election, Emanuel called Harris back to add the name of Democratic Attorney General Lisa Madigan to the approved list, the source said.

Madigan on Friday asked the state Supreme Court to remove Blagojevich from office, arguing that he can no longer fulfill the duties of office."

Now, this brings up a host of questions. How come Obama is dictating "acceptable" or "approved" candidates? I thought this was a decison constitutionally made by the governor, why is Obama involved this deeply? I can understand "suggestions," but a list of "acceptable candidates?" This kind of game playing suggests that Chicago politics was being played, and perhaps the governor was chafing under being told what to do? Also, the same woman now declaring the governor incapable was one that Obama may have submitted as acceptable. Questions come up, how is she intertwined in all of this?
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Reply Sun 14 Dec, 2008 09:36 am
I think you can rest easy that Obama is not getting away without any attention drawn to this situation at all. It is just that the people are not as quick to draw any negative conclusions despite fox news and other conservative say about it.

Also there is nothing wrong Obama or any of his staff bringing up replacement suggestions as long as there was no deal making involved. There were not as it was clear from the words of the governor concerning Obama on tape. It appears, however, he was wrong about any of his staff having contact with the governor’s office on the replacement for the senate seat.

QUESTION: ... given the -- in your statement, when you addressed the controversy over Governor Blagojevich, you did not repeat what your spokesman said yesterday about having him -- that he should resign. Why did you not? And could you tell us what contact, if any, you know that your staff or any emissaries from you have had with prosecutors or the FBI?

OBAMA: Well, let me repeat a couple of things.

Number one, I think, like most of the people of Illinois, I was appalled and disappointed by what we heard in those transcripts. And, you know, here in Illinois -- as is true, I think, across the country -- there is a tradition of public service, where people are getting in it for the right reasons and to serve, but there's also a tradition where people view politics as a business.

And part of the reason that I got into politics, ran for the State Senate, ran for the United States Senate, and ultimately ran for the presidency is because we have to reclaim a tradition of public service that is about people and their lives, and their hopes, and their dreams. And it isn't about what's in it for me. And I think the public trust has been violated.

So let me be absolutely clear: I do not think that the governor at this point can effectively serve the people of Illinois. I -- the legislature is going down to Springfield to make a determination as to how to resolve this issue. I think they're going to come to the same conclusion. I hope that the governor himself comes to the conclusion that he can no longer effectively serve and that he does resign.

In terms of our involvement, I'll repeat what I said earlier, which is I had no contact with the governor's office. I did not speak to the governor about these issues. That I know for certain.

What I want to do is to gather all the facts about any staff contacts that I might -- may have -- that may have taken place between the transition office and the governor's office. And we'll have those in the next few days, and we'll present them.

But what I'm absolutely certain about is that our office had no involvement in any deal-making around my Senate seat. That I'm absolutely certain of.

And the -- that is -- that would be a violation of everything that this campaign has been about. And that's not how we do business.

So, you know, I think that, like the rest of the people of Illinois, what I want to see is a quick resolution of this issue. I want to make sure that the next senator from the state of Illinois is carrying a forward tradition of service, that the next senator from Illinois is not tainted by what has taken place so far.

I want to make sure that the next senator of Illinois is focused on health care, jobs, and all the struggles that the families of this state are going through.

Phil Elliott, A.P.?

QUESTION: Thank you, Mr. President-elect. Thank you. Have you or anyone in your transition or campaign been interviewed as it relates to the criminal complaint? And who is the transition adviser referenced in the complaint?

OBAMA: I have not been contacted by any federal officials. And we have not been interviewed by them. As is reflected in the U.S. attorney's report, we were not, I think, perceived by the governor's office as amenable to any deal-making. And, you know, I won't quote back some of the things that were said about me. So -- this is a family program, I know.

So, you know -- so, beyond that, I'm not really certain where the investigation is going forward. I'll leave Mr. Fitzgerald to address those issues.

OK, Mike Flannery, CBS.

QUESTION: Mr. President-elect, can you shed any light on how it was that the governor got the impression that neither you nor Ms. Jarrett nor any of the people from your office were willing to play ball and why he said those unrepeatable things about you and your -- and your staff?

And a two-partner. We have the former -- the immediate former governor still moldering in the federal prison here in Terra Haute. What's wrong with politics in Illinois?

OBAMA: Well, first of all, I can't presume to know what was in the mind of the governor during this process, so I won't even speculate on that. All I can do is read what was in the transcripts, like the rest of you have read it, and shake my head.

Now, with respect to Illinois, look, as I said, I think in Illinois, as is true in American politics generally, there are two views of politics. There's a view of politics that says you go in this for sacrifice and public service, and then there's a view of politics that says that this is a business, and you're wheeling and dealing, and what's in it for me?

And there are -- one thing I want to make sure everybody is mindful of -- there are extraordinary traditions of public service coming out of Illinois, even after Abraham Lincoln.

You know, you've got people like Paul Simon, and Paul Douglas, our current senator, Dick Durbin, our senior senator, and many others on both sides of the aisle who have upheld the highest standards of ethics and have made enormous sacrifices to make sure that they're getting something done for the people of Illinois.


I can understand you distrust Obama, I felt the same about Bush. I feel my distrust of Bush which I had way back in the Gore/Bush election turned out to be justified. I don't think since Obama hasn't even came into office yet and based on what information we have so far concerning this latest scandal that any logical analysis can be drawn. You can call is worship if it makes you feel good, but I happen to trust Obama and do not believe he was involved in any way in this latest scandal. When you defended Bush all these years I never accused you of worshipping, I merely thought you were partisan blind.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Dec, 2008 08:58 pm
Did Obama and Blagojevich meet?

Even Ed Schultz thinks so very possibly.


There apparently was a report that Obama and Blagojevich were going to meet, and did meet November 5, and Axelrod reported it, but now it is being renounced. How come?



I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the President-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy. They did not then or at any time discuss the subject."
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Dec, 2008 09:58 pm
Another suspicion about all of this mess, even though the governor was cursing about Obama giving him nothing, the suspicion is he would get nothing now, but he might get something later, he would have to wait a couple of years, which changes the entire picture. He was perhaps going to get something, but he would have to wait for it, until after the suspicion passed. Does that eliminate a possible deal, a crime. No, certainly not.

And even if Obama's people were not engaged in deal making, if bribery was proposed and they did not report it, still big trouble. The only hope Obama has is if he is insulated from all of that, if it did happen. And of course the other hope, or support is that the press will protect Obama to the hilt. Only Fox News is reporting on this with any real curiosity. I scanned the others and it is all pushed to the side as far as I could find.
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