Tue 23 Sep, 2003 11:08 am
Man behind recall urges Schwarzenegger or McClintock to drop out
San Francisco-AP
The man who bankrolled the California recall effort is insisting that one of the two leading Republicans in the governor's race drop out. And to make it happen, he's issuing a political threat.
Congressman Darrell Issa (EYE'-suh) is afraid that Republican state senator Tom McClintock and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger will split conservative support -- and guarantee a victory for Democratic Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante (boost-ah-MAHN'-tay) if California's governor is recalled.
So now Issa says one of the two Republicans must drop out -- or he'll dramatically reverse his stance and start calling for the recall to be defeated.
Issa spent one-point-seven (m) million dollars putting the recall question on the ballot.
Once a king maker -- always a king maker.
I hope he spends another mil and a half -- and that the recall is defeated.
This entire enterprise is farce.
Maybe Issa will start promoting an alarm for political oportunism gone berserk. Instead of Viper he could call it the Snake-In-The-Grass Alarm.
If this is true, then I hope the recall occurs as originally scheduled. Sounds like the California GOP is unraveling before our very eyes. An early vote wouldn't give these junior Machiavellis enough time to sort things out...