Yesterday was our work Christmas party.
This is summer - but it's cold and pissing down and windy - and that's just the morning.
And the party is, ta da! on a boat on Sydney Harbour, belonging to a friend of the boss. We've been on this boat before, and it rained, mostly, but there were some dry patches. The Harbour is just spectacular on a good day, but.....
This time, it pelts down all day - and on the top deck, the awnings are not entirely successful in keeping the rain out, and with so much rain, you can't see anything through what are laughingly called the "clears" - the clear plastic canopy. Most people stayed inside the cabin
The big laugh of the day was the boss, who flew in from Canberra that morning. He'd been told it was cold and wet, but was optimistic that the weather would improve, so he wore a white t-shirt, and white shorts, and was rapidly turning blue.
It was very windy, and one of the girls started to feel sick. The skipper tried to find a sheltered part of the Harbour, with little success. And then the gale warning came through - so we scuttled back to the marina, which, incidentally, is attached to the building where Russell Crowe lives when he's in town. Too wet and wild to see anyone today.
We decide to go to a pub on-shore to have a drink - and end up going to a gay pub, where the boss attracts considerable attention. We flee that place and all have another laugh at his expense. (this whole day could be a career limiting move for some of us!)
We've booked a maxi-taxi to take those who need to back to the office, and that's delayed / lost /not coming. Another taxi, to take the boss, and those others who are from interstate, back to the airport is also delayed. So - we're standing outside the Woolloomooloo pub, getting drenched. trying to work out how to get away - and the traffic is so bad no-one is going anywhere.
We found that just about everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and those in our cab had a good laugh. Wouldn't have liked to be in the other car, though - it contained all those with the humour bypass.
Boss and co made it to the airport OK - but when I left work, the other car sill hadn't arrived. Here's the boss towards the end of the day...

Merry Christmas!