I've visited, I think, five military bases and Ft. Lewis is by far the most beautiful. Perhaps that was influenced by my brother's rank while he was there. The officer's "quarters", the "loop" as it is called, are beautiful houses that overlook the parade grounds, ending in that view of Mt. Rainer.
Of course, my adoration of the PNW has been noted time and again.
I thought Ft. Irwin was way cool, not being a desert girl in any form and I had a blast visiting Ft. Levenworth.
Ft. Benning is kind of a blur. I was only there for a short second.
Does VMI count as a base? I spent some time there! Fun time!
I found a place to rent a suit for Mo where they will tailor it to fit. I have a hair cut scheduled this week and will do some shopping for my outfit at the same time. Mr. B is on his own grown up adult self.
In a few years my brother should be stationed back at the Pentagon. Mo will be at the perfect age to do a big DC visit at that point.
Mo's groving on the Army which is cool by me but scary....
He gave his girlfriend an assistant to the General pin today.....
That's equally scary!