Good. That's all that is required.
Quote:my penetrating and ironic description of the encounter between Nanci Pelosi and the local Bay Area Union bosses a few pages back
I liked that account. One has to look through your eyes (which I've spared above) and though that sometimes poses no slightest sense of disorientation at other times it is like trying to sing in Liberace's voice. Your chumming with local union bosses, as with your common defence of regular-guy-sailors, along with your love of the life of the mind suggests an honorable and emotionally well-rounded person and curious person. Like Sarah Palin reading Pushkin at the bowling alley.
Re Limbaugh "poisonous and destructive" and contrasts with voices on the left, etc... this takes some study and dedicated attention, george. It would also most certainly take you dropping that presumption (I've told you and told you) that the world always has a mirror running down its center. It looks an egalitarian sort of presumption and clearly serves well as a fine starting point for analysis but you use it as a short-cut to conclusions, avoiding the analysis bit. If you decide at some future point to invest neurons in the subject, let me know and I'll steer you to some good work.
Quote:However I don't think for a moment that conservative political views (whatever the phrase might mean) are finished here
No, that would be delusional. Canada is a fine example...the Progressive Conservative party disappears with Mulroney but the relevant demographics and dynamics reformulated after a delay to make another viable party. Further, it obviously wouldn't be a good thing for only one party remained standing for any length of time. But as you say, there appears to be a significant shift in eras here. That entails, necessarily, some pull back in the conservative movement and what we don't know yet how this will manifest...that's the debate going on in your camp now.
Quote:Meanwhile some of his [Obama's] strident supporters howl that he has deserted them.
This is a bit of a give-away as to who and what analyses you are attending to, george. I don't think you are going to be able to name these people. Because they are fictional. I read broadly across the press and the liberal blogs along with listening to rightwing radio and Fox and reading rightwing web sites every day. There is, at this point, no strident howling anywhere from anyone of note. There's head scratching sometimes, mild anxiety, disagreements too. The idea that there are "howls" about "desertion" is has its reality in rightwing media only, and it exists there for the obvious propaganda reasons. But you could show me wrong by listing the names you have in mind. Alternately, you could reflect on exactly how you came to hold this false idea and tell me what comes up.
Re vote margins... people argue about words like "landslide" mainly to forward certain notions about 'my side winning' or 'you shot but you missed, nya nya'. It's a PR game mostly which has the goal of forwarding a particular narrative (thus hopefully forming/changing consensus on what is real which has deep political consequences...politically speaking, in most circumstances a thing is "real" if it is believed). But there are problems for Republicans up the road and the smart conservative analysts recognize this. Youth and Latinos are the two sharpest problems. And solutions for either are not apparent and won't be easy.
Re Obama and the external world... it's the stuff that ages presidents so noticably, I think. We'll both be disappointed, yes. I can imagine no situation or potential candidate where that would not be so. Drop Lincoln into this situation and I'd be no more at ease.
Quote:I am as bemused by the strident certainty of left wing commentators that Sarah Palin is beyond doubt the dumbest and/or most corrupt politician to emerge in the last generation as I am by the equally one-sided mockery of Rush Limbach. They differ only in style and selection of targets.
Again with the mirror. I actually didn't read/hear much about her and corruption. However I did read much about how "dumb" she is. Not only did I read it, I wrote it myself.
I have never seen such a poor candidate for such an important post ever, anytime, anywhere which is an opinion shared by many thoughtful people in your own party. Whatever "corruption" might be involved as regards Palin relates not to her but to choosing her. This was an absolutely cynical marketing ploy and irresponsible beyond belief.
only plus of that nomination was a theoretical one...it allows people like myself who are interesting in understanding the actual power points of your party and in understanding the mechanisms and agencies of modern propaganda to have to hand a highly transparent case study...who is pushing this lemon? how are they going about it?
Quote: However, I continue to enjoy and be stimulated by the discourse with you. The clash of viewpoints always makes me think more clearly about my own. Moreover, you educate me about contemporary liberal political thought in a way that I would otherwise miss, and occasionally lead me to rethink some issues.
Oddly, george, a review of our exchanges shows that I've enjoyed myself more often than not. The margin is 6%.