Those are kind words. Thankyou. I too was disappointed, when I returned, to find you gone. Of course, the election results had some small part to play in my disappointment (Three Stooges eye-poke! Hah!) but that's a reflection of the great fun we've had together watching and yakking as the conservative movement slowly disembowled itself (substantial resolve is required for this but resolve was in plenty). I'm watching now to see how the party and movement will sort itself out, on the assumption that this will speak clearly as to which components of the conservative camp actually wield (or will come to wield) the real power (a question you and I have discussed frequently).
I will confide to you I am convinced that "conservative talk radio" is now, though undeniably a very successful business model, the single most poisonous and destructive force at play in your civic discourse. It is, as it has evolved, almost completely without redeeming features. I trust you'll accept my assertion that I don't hold it at fault for its commonly voiced political positions. I would, in an instant, replace each of these talk radio 'hosts' with William Buckleys because, even though that would pose a clearly serious challenge to my policy/value preferences, the discourse would be elevated rather than so critically degraded and anti-rational as it has become under the Limbaugh model. However your party might evolve over the next decade, I sincerely hope it sorts itself out so that this truly ugly element is more properly conceived and minimized. As you surely know, Buckley's son, Morton Kondrake and many others have expressed similar opinions to mine, if not so strongly or acutely directed.
In any case, these are not boring times. With luck (which of course is the secular version of "God willing"...you can see how William Bennett has both bases covered there) the future will do damage to the cynicism we have reason to ascribe to and support our more hopeful side instead.
Sorry to get long and maudlin but we started out talking about 'scolds' and I'm too lazy to fight against my own nature.