t-bone streaks and democrats

Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2008 08:12 am
I would love to follow Georgeob1 down to the basement.

BBB Drunk
0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2008 08:43 am
Although I posted this on letty's radio station, I thought it worth spreading around a bit more.
Reply Thu 27 Nov, 2008 08:53 am
That's great, Edgar!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2008 10:33 am
Just as Osso and BBB were preparing to drive to the home of Diane and Dys at 2:30 pm, heavy rainfall began. Just what we needed. We managed to get inside before we got soaked.

BBB brought three raw hide sticks from Dolly and Madison for Sally dog. She grabbed all of them and spent the next two hours pacing around the house looking for a place to hide the raw hide, not chewing on them once. Funny Sally.

Diane was peeling potatoes to add to the supply of mashed potatoes. Dys came into the kitchen to remove the bread he baked in his bread maker. Then he noticed that the turkey, ham, cornmeal breading, sweet potatoes were still in the refrigerator instead of in the oven. You should have seen the two of them trying to coordinate their preparation. Osso and BBB just stayed out of their way, watching in amusement.

We sat down to dinner about 4 pm.

Shortly after dinner, JLNobody called as Dys was taking a nap. Diane talked to him first, then passed the phone to Osso, who promptly disconnected the phone. Diane quickly came to the rescue and called him back and BBB got a chance to talk to him. BBB reminded JLNobody that he had a painting drying in the back yard that needed to be brought inside. Then he gabbed with Dys for a while.

Just befor Roger arrived at about 5:30 pm, Osso took a bath. Don't ask me why?

Roger was welcomed with a piece of the apple pie Diane made along with coffee. He had already eaten dinner with family members at their East side home. The smell of dessert finally woke Dys up from his nap on the living room sofa.

About 6:30 pm, BBB left to go home to check up on Dolly and Madison in the lighted guest bathroom along with water, bones and toys. She opened the door and found the floor covered with shreaded toilet paper, but no pee or poob bombs. The dogs had never been confined in the bathroom before. When released, they immediately pooped and peed on the carpet. Goofy dogs!

BBB feasted on a piece Diane's delicious apple pie and fell asleep in her recliner chair with both dogs on her lap.

All ended well.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2008 10:35 am
Just as Osso and BBB were preparing to drive to the home of Diane and Dys at 2:30 pm, heavy rainfall began. Just what we needed. We managed to get inside before we got soaked.

BBB brought three raw hide sticks from Dolly and Madison for Sally dog. She grabbed all of them and spent the next two hours pacing around the house looking for a place to hide the raw hide, not chewing on them once. Funny Sally.

Diane was peeling potatoes to add to the supply of mashed potatoes. Dys came into the kitchen to remove the bread he baked in his bread maker. Then he noticed that the turkey, ham, cornmeal breading, sweet potatoes were still in the refrigerator instead of in the oven. You should have seen the two of them trying to coordinate their preparation. Osso and BBB just stayed out of their way, watching in amusement.

We sat down to dinner about 4 pm.

Shortly after dinner, JLNobody called from Arizona as Dys was taking a nap. Diane talked to him first, then passed the phone to Osso, who promptly disconnected the phone. Diane quickly came to the rescue and called him back and BBB got a chance to talk to him. BBB reminded JLNobody that he had a painting drying in the back yard that needed to be brought inside. Then he gabbed with Dys for a while.

Just befor Roger arrived at about 5:30 pm, Osso took a bath. Don't ask me why?

Roger was welcomed with a piece of the apple pie Diane made along with coffee. He had already eaten dinner with family members at their East side home. The smell of dessert finally woke Dys up from his nap on the living room sofa.

About 6:30 pm, BBB left to go home to check up on Dolly and Madison in the lighted guest bathroom along with water, bones and toys. She opened the door and found the floor covered with shreaded toilet paper, but no pee or poob bombs. The dogs had never been confined in the bathroom before. When released, they immediately pooped and peed on the carpet. Goofy dogs!

BBB feasted on a piece Diane's delicious apple pie and fell asleep in her recliner chair with both dogs on her lap.

All ended well.

Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2008 01:10 pm
"Just befor Roger arrived at about 5:30 pm, Osso took a bath. Don't ask me why?"

What? (You're kidding, right?)

I am allergic to the cat, Dante. In order to curtail the sneezing, I took a half of a benedryl. This made me sleepy, so after dinner, when you and Diane were talking, I excused myself, saying I needed a nap --- and went and took a nap, or tried to, as the sneezing proceeded to asthma. I got up in time to catch a bit of conversation with Roger before his drive home (snuffle, ker-choo, hack hack, wheeze) and had a sliver of pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is good for asthma...

Reply Fri 28 Nov, 2008 01:30 pm
Osso, I'm laughing because you must have said you were going to take a nap and I thought you said you were going to take a bath. Funny things happen when you have a stuffy nose and, apparently, stuffy ears, don't you think?

BBB Confused Laughing Confused Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Nov, 2008 11:08 pm
We will have to rely on Dys for an accurate and reliable report of what really took place. From here it looks as though BBB and Osso got seriously snockered and are now arguing about who said/did what when. I might have enjoyed the spectacle !
Reply Sat 29 Nov, 2008 11:32 pm
Neither of us were snockered, though one was sneezerooed. And, BB, I get the misapprehension of the word 'nap'. Plus, y'know, whatever the hell happened in the bathroom while I was napping, I just don't know. I was temporarily reading Lizza...

Dys tunes us out except when he apothethizes. (Oh, wait, I have to look that up).
Reply Sat 29 Nov, 2008 11:45 pm
So, George, honey (I'm turning into Diane with the Sweetie southern palaver), we'd love to have you and your, ahem, not so often mentioned wife, which I presume is to protect her from your opinions... here in sandland.
consider it an open invite.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Nov, 2008 08:50 am
I was the bearer of bad news to Dys and Diane. While in the guest bathroom I discovered that the toilet was leaking. Probably the wax ring needs to be replaced.


0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Nov, 2008 09:07 am
dyslexia wrote:
I will be surrounded by 3 democrat apologists

You make your choices.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Nov, 2008 09:23 am
My God! There's george, hanging in the balance.

Some friends popped by recently and brought tidings of you. Mostly these were high tidings (even the gravy boat on the dining table was briefly lifted) but they were foreigners so, grains of salt and all.

Any money left? Could I have some?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 30 Nov, 2008 10:52 am
Well my wife, Elise, is a good deal more conservative than I. She also scolds me a lot about not letting her "wash" (i.e. dissolve in clorox) my beloved workout clothes enough (the woman doesn't understand that sweat dries). I think she also secretly thinks I talk too much . We recently enjoyed a very nice trip to Russia, including a journey by river boat from Moscow to St Petersburg (though being locked up on a ship again involved some mixed feelings for me.). There, does that do it?

I'm surprised to encounter Blatham here. I truly thought you gave up on the site seven or so months ago. A couple of months back I became weary of the invective, the shouting , and the increasing lack of humor or even a trace of irony among the remaining participants. So I decided to give it all a rest - and found it surprisingly easy to disconnect. In the last couple of weeks I have made a handful of posts, but all to the few remaining familiar and congenial folks. What brought you back Bernie?

I'm still very weary of "progressive" dogmatism, certainty, anger, and confidence that they can plan and arrange a better world for us idiots who so need their guidance. I'm confident that Obama will turn out to be a bit better than the strident Obamaniacs who so enthusiastically support him - just as Bush was a bit better than the mindless crowd that, with equal certainty and lack of the slightest doubt, so villified anything he did or said.

I'm particularly weary of Europeans who after centuries of ******* up their world and ours, now believe they know better than us about everything - and that they have been thoroughly absolved a of all their past sins. (It is sadly amusing to read of the "American" credit crisis, while their banks fail with equal or greater abandon.) The confidence with which they - in blind oblivion to all the lessons of history, particularly their own - assume the leaders of Sudan will be tamed by the much vaunted and impotent ICC; or that yet another international "force" will eliminate Somali piracy - in perfect defiance to the effects of previous attemnpts in Congo, Bosnia and innumerable other areas, remains a bewildering and sometimes distressing thing. However, I have decided to focus more on my own affairs and worry less about others - a beneficial choice so far. Probably a good choice for the USA as well.

McTag and Fiona are delightful people, alert, engaged, very bright and affable. A bit bemused by this country it seemed to me - both better than their preconceptions in some areas and confirming them in others. It appears that you all enjoyed a great time together, Fiona is - as are so many women - a bit aggressive: she even preemptorarily challenged me to an arm wrestling contest. She was easy though.

I have wistfully watched my cleverly balanced investments drop in value by almost 25% - along for the ride now. However, our company is doing well (stock up from 371/share to 479 in the last year), and I will stay engaged in its management for a few more years - a good time to continue an income, and I have a serious stake in its success.

Despite all this, I am well, healthy and happy - as I sincerely hope are you and Lola. Have you acclimated yourselves to Portland? BTW the light rail system there was designed by the group I managed in an engineering business.
Reply Sun 30 Nov, 2008 04:12 pm
"Scold" is a fine word, sadly fallen into disfavor particularly as noun. I find I think it more often than speak it.

I was away from the site for half a year. Similar reasons to yours. It was actually an entreaty from McTag that reminded me I had friends here. And as I have none anywhere else. They're very fond of you, by the way, and they have good taste.

I quite fell for Fiona. She is (in the parlance) a corker. Our time here was very relaxed, particularly following upon their time under Obersturmfuhrer Tak. He'd wake them at 5 AM with a blast from an ashtray filled with gunpowder. Here, they had to wake us up so as to share the lunch they'd made.

Pleased to hear you're doing well. It looks as if I may have to come out of my comfortable retirement now but you win some and you lose some. If you have any need for a communist copywriter, do let me know.
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2008 07:52 pm
It is good to hear from you Bernie. Let's hope you thrive in your interrupted retirement and I in my delayed one.

You do have friends here, and I saw your apparent departure from the site as a major loss. Remarkable, given that we so often disagree about points under discussion. However, as we both know, the game is not about winning a point or crushing one who disagrees, but rather the contest of ideas & wit, and occasionally learning from a different perspective than one's own. That, of course, requires the presence of ideas and wit - and even consistent perspective -- things one doesn't always find here, or anywhere else either.

Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2008 07:59 pm

this is what I enjoy about both you guys I disagree with...

Hey ob1
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Dec, 2008 08:37 pm
Fiona has spent some time in Oz.

That's toughened her up to cope with all the male ratbags she encounters as she travels!

She should need some topping up of coping fill soon, after visiting you lot!
Reply Tue 2 Dec, 2008 09:16 am

Those are kind words. Thankyou. I too was disappointed, when I returned, to find you gone. Of course, the election results had some small part to play in my disappointment (Three Stooges eye-poke! Hah!) but that's a reflection of the great fun we've had together watching and yakking as the conservative movement slowly disembowled itself (substantial resolve is required for this but resolve was in plenty). I'm watching now to see how the party and movement will sort itself out, on the assumption that this will speak clearly as to which components of the conservative camp actually wield (or will come to wield) the real power (a question you and I have discussed frequently).

I will confide to you I am convinced that "conservative talk radio" is now, though undeniably a very successful business model, the single most poisonous and destructive force at play in your civic discourse. It is, as it has evolved, almost completely without redeeming features. I trust you'll accept my assertion that I don't hold it at fault for its commonly voiced political positions. I would, in an instant, replace each of these talk radio 'hosts' with William Buckleys because, even though that would pose a clearly serious challenge to my policy/value preferences, the discourse would be elevated rather than so critically degraded and anti-rational as it has become under the Limbaugh model. However your party might evolve over the next decade, I sincerely hope it sorts itself out so that this truly ugly element is more properly conceived and minimized. As you surely know, Buckley's son, Morton Kondrake and many others have expressed similar opinions to mine, if not so strongly or acutely directed.

In any case, these are not boring times. With luck (which of course is the secular version of "God willing"...you can see how William Bennett has both bases covered there) the future will do damage to the cynicism we have reason to ascribe to and support our more hopeful side instead.

Sorry to get long and maudlin but we started out talking about 'scolds' and I'm too lazy to fight against my own nature.

Reply Tue 2 Dec, 2008 09:26 am
Blatham, I'm so delighted that you returned. I've always had a passion for your intellect, ethics, and sense of humor. The only person who can compare with you is the recently returned Lord Elpus.


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