A most impressive and varied bunch of nonhuman humans--from movie stars to Olympic athletes to food hogs. Will I ever be able to think of Pearl and not picture her wearing a football helmet? Probably not. Thanks, Sozobe, for the photos.
Love this question. Jenny is definitely the nosy neighbor -- has to watch everything going on either from inside the house (and I have the scratches on the window sill and the ripped screen to prove it) or from the yard. If it's something interesting that she sees inside, she has to go out immediately to get a closer view.
But, she's also a perpetual child. Bring her something new and she carries it around with her, strutting proudly, for hours. Make a loud noise and she's scared to death. Try to talk on the phone, and she demands your attention. Accidentally step on her tail, and she comes to you and 'apologizes'. She can be a real brat one minute and a total sweetie pie the next. She is at one and the same time, totally independent and totally dependent and it drives her nuts.
I think I favor sozobe's She Who Must Be Obeyed. Must be the John Mortimer fan coming out.
Roger are you going to tell us???
Bean, my dog would be like me a little over the top sometimes, anxious, zoom here, zoom there, definitely a type-A person.
Carlotta, my cat is way cool, she is very precise and is so careful has never ever clawed the furniture or knocked any thing off of a table. She would be a prim and proper lady.
"IF" my pets were people?!?!?
Not only are they convinced they are, they have US pretty well convinced, too.
Sam, the Rott, is BOSS DOG, but quite dignified and reserved ... in a sort of Current-Jessie-Ventura way.
Pebbles, the Golden, is "The Dowager Empress" ... she's the only one that will stand up to Sam, despite the nearly 100 pound weight difference.
She's older now, and more gray than golden, but she has her dignity. Of course, she goes nuts for a good round of tug-a-war with an old rope ... even empresses have fun once in a while.
Bits is .... well, maybe she isn't a person. She's an older, VERY overweight Springer, and she doesn't move around much. She's furniture. She can, however, hear and respond to the rustle of cellophane or the opening of a cardboard box from three floors away. Maybe she's Julia Child. There is a resemblance.
Frank, the Huskey, is Bruce Springsteen ... he struts, postures, sings loudly, and is terribly proud of himself.
Oscar, the Wolfhound, is definitely Kramer from the Seinfeld show. Even freinds have said so.
And Louie, the newest, a 4-month-old Cocker puppy, would be just about any frenetic, rambunctious kid ... full of mischief, a bundle of energy, eager to please, and full of wonder at the world. He just this evening was at my feet beneath the desk, sleeping peacefully ... or so I thought. Fortunately, I had an extra PS2 mouse tucked away. Tomorrow I will buy a new multi-featured optical mouse to replace the one Louie chewed the cord to.
I'll have to think a bit about the horses and the other critters.
Wonderful thread, Roberta. Thanks.

Timber! Love it. Especially Kramer, but all of 'em. Can see them crystal clear.
Oh Timber you have horses? Can I come up for Christmas, I have never seen a white Christmas. And I love to ride.
Oh Timber you have horses? Can I come up for Christmas, I have never seen a white Christmas. And I love to ride.
Joanne, you're welcome here any time (and so are Bean and Carlotta) ... but I feel compelled to advise you, if you've never had a "White Christmas", you may be unprepared for as much "White" as we can get here in the NorthWoods. The last several winters here have been comparatively mild (only a few days when there was obviously no point even THINKING about trying to drive to town in the Blazer) ... but you never know. We're certainly overdue for a real blaster. You've been warned ...
It appears we've got a few alpha males in the group. I have to include my cat in there. He's not especially bossy, but he's so big he doesn't have to be. All other cat he's encountered have taken one look at him and rolled over on their back on the ground. I guess they know alpha when they see it.
We've also got a few brats, some royalty, and a piece of furniture.
I'm wondering how many of these critters would appreciate being viewed as human. My late cat Miranda would have thought it an insult, I'm sure.
Oh, Roberta, alpha dogs, yikes. My lab, Dorothy was an Alpha bitch and I was the only member of her pack. Her training actually consisted of my training how to get her to acknowledge me as pack leader. A real tug of war. If Dorothy was a person I would say she was the Martha Stewart type. I loved her dearly and she was a joy at the beach and on walks, but so bossy in the house.
Joanne, a "Blaster" is a winter storm of the sort which makes us who live in the NorthWoods question the reasons we choose to do so. I guess it means a "bastard of a blizzard". Something on the order of a day-and-a-half or so of inch-an-hour of snow whipped into 6-to10 foot high, yards-wide drifts by 20 to 30 mph winds with ocaisional really nasty tree-limb snapping gusts, and temperatures starting out around zero and becoming less ambitious as the storm wears on. During such a storm, nothing moves, and for hours to days afterward, snowmobiles are the only practical means of transportation out here in the boonies ... the county and township snowplows (I drive one for the Township, and have had to use the snowmobile to get to it) clear the paved roads first, and don't even begin the job 'til the storm is over. Castle Timber is half a mile from the nearest pavement, and that is a minor road which connects to a county road. Hurricane lamps, kerosene heaters, auxilliary generators, playing cards, working table-top-sized puzzles and sipping schnapps are big around here. Not that we anticipate such a meteorlogical event on any certain basis, mind you ... just be advised such is a possibility. Both The Farmer's Almanac and this autum's Woolybear Caterpillars indicate this may be the winter Mother Nature catches up. Frank, the Huskey, delights in such weather, so I suppose its merely a matter of mindset.
Hi Timber -- thanks for bringing back some fond memories for me!! We had a wood cookstove and during snow or wind storms we would lose our electricity for several days. Our cookstove kept the house so warm that we would open windows!! Sometimes we forgot to check to see if the electicity had been restored. We became connoisseurs of practical hurricane candle holders. My daughter was just a toddler then. We played games, played cards, read books, walked in the snow, played guitars.... ahhh.... it was a good time!! I love the quiet snowfall.
sorry to be off-topic..... let's see.... we had two German Shepherd dogs.... the big male was a Chief-Of-Police, because he guarded the property.... the female was the role-model for every blonde joke you've ever heard (even though she was black-and-tan)!!
Hey P&L sorry for getting off topic Roberta.
Hi, Don't worry about getting off topic. I'm a snow lover from way back. And I love "assertive weather."
Joanne, your Dorothy sounds like my Miranda. Here's a little poem I wrote about her:
Miranda was beautiful cat,
Her coat black and glossy.
Zoey would be that demanding for attention young gal who could beat your butt if you dont watch out, and cuddle your socks off when you least expect it...kinda like some really cute bartender you get to take home one night or something.
Cleo would be the little kid who keeps to herself, jumps at the slightest noise, and spends quality time hiding under the bed. She also gets really friendly by putting her butt in your face and wanting you to rub it...stripper when she gets older maybe?
Well, Rupert would be a doctor.A very good, brilliant, kindly doctor. Not a surgeon. A pediatrician, or a gynecologist. Caring is his watchword.Not entirely serious always, he can be a bit of a clown, especially if I need distracting,or cheering up. And I guess if he WERE a doctor, he wouldn't drink out of the toilet!
Quote: "There will never be another you.."