Slappy's ex's are those bodies....
What else is there to do after repeatedly hearing the word "no?"
Normally, after far too many no's, I give them a gift certficate and say "think about it, but not for too long, and if you don't want it, you still owe me $100."
Don't ever, EVER let Letty get ahold of your real life phone number! She'll call it!
Well, Seal. If a woman answers, I just hang up
I have it on good authority that Equus is really a brain in a jar of saline solution in some laboratory, hooked up by electrodes.
A talking horse in a sea of anachronisms. Where did that Gus go..I've heard lots of juicy stuff about him.....and the world claims that women are it.
APB out for Blatham
It just came over my police scanner. Blatham was just picked up following an APB about a man wearing a red Mountie's jacket but no pants. He was busted for showing too many goose bumps on his arse.
bailing out Sozobe
Jespah and I just got back from bailing out Sozobe from the slammer. Seems she was caught peeping in the second floor bedroom window of Swimpy. She fell off her ladder and landed on Setanta's head, where he had been looking up her skirt like a hormone-whacked teenager.
Who is going to give ehBeth the terrible news?
Don't breathe a word of this, but, there is proof positive that OmsigDavid wears a tutu and keeps his magnum 57 in his underwear. His wife only lets him carry one bullet at a time, and that's in his Panama hat.
bbb, ya can't trust them Canucks. I do know that Phoenix's neighbors saw her stumbling in, in the wee small hours of the morning covered in skeeter bites.
Psssst...Them ain't Lola's legs, either. They came from a department store dummy advertising victoria's secret.
Edgar Blythe is a fraud
My good friend, Butrflynet, just called me to report that she discovered Edgar Blythe in the women's bathroom at Bloomingdales. He was writing copies of the poetry written on the toilet stall walls. Shame on you Edgar for making us think you wrote all your wonderful poems yourself. I've lost all faith in poets---SOB!
edgar, I've also heard that his use of phonetics simply is a cover up for his inability to read. and would you believe that Setanta is a pizza boy for the Irish mafia? pizza is here. You'll find all pertinent info in my safety deposit box...
I hate to be the one to break it, but, BBB sneaked all of the poems she supposedly wrote out of her friend Emily Dickenson's desk drawer while Emily was watering her petunias.
I are also enformed thet Letty once roomed with Allen Ginsburg and gave him his inspiration to right Howl.
Edgar, what a blow to my poor poet's heart. I'm old, but not that old. How could you be so cruel to someone as sweet as me? I'm gonna get Blatham after you, as soon as he can find his pants.
There, there, BBB. It's all hearsay..not admissible in a court of law. Wherever the ESE is, he'll defend us.
Did you hear the latest about Gus..he and fancytickler have gone to Paris TOGETHER! and Edgar, I did hear that you and jjorge had a sweetheart deal with Martha Stewart; waved it away as pure gossip......We all know that the grapevine is Marvin Gaye's domain.
HIAMA has muscles (or so he says, never seen em however) and he drives a tricycle to work
BillW chews tobacco and sleepwalks at night, singing "Oh my darlin, Oh my darlin, Oh my darlin,
Clementine, You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorrrrrry.........."
Eva really is a goddess in disguise....
and Wassau is actually a very handsome man.
Now Gautum........what can we say about him that he hasn't already told us himself. Well, maybe that he's really shy. Sure........and so is sweet, considerate Slappy.
Well, Lola, just between you and me <looks around furtively> Gautam is straight. shhhhh. It's his witness protection disguise. He fingered Whitey Bulger. Mikey knows about it but can't tell. Oh, and about Mikey. The Swedish stripper he was supposed to hitch a ride with to California is really URS. Well, that's what Big Dice was overheard to say as he served at the Rue de la "pay".
I was Marcellus in "The Music Man"..I'll kill that little gay kid Chris Lash who took my spot...
setanta is a Civil War reenactOr, and they mADE HIM A POSTAL CLERK CUZ HE KEPT SHOOTING THE WRONG GUYS.
P Diddies presidential platform isnt complete, in fact he doesnt even have the wood cut
Pope Ratzenhofer will bless your French Fries, cash only.
shepaints , for 25 bucks, 2 coats.
patiodog humps peoples legs