Sun 16 Nov, 2008 12:44 am
It is not too shabby a post. After all, she did go around the world during Bill Clinton's Administration on good will missions and secret talks. It is equivalent of the Foreign Minister post in the Parliamentary system.
only if she can put her personal ambition aside, if she can act like Obama is in charge. then she would be fabulous in this post. I love that Obama wants to surround himself with smart people, with pro's, who will challenge him at every time that he deserves it. Hillary will do that in spades.
I worry that she might go after Iran and mess up things. She represents New York and the Jewish lobby has Iran on their radar scope.
She only became a New York resident to campaign for Senator. She could drop it just as quickly to be come Secretary of State - if offered.
I hope you are right. But if she has an eye for another presidential run she would need New York and aye there is the rub.