Californian still, I agree with you cjane. I've never been very big on things like glossy mailers, though I've mailed letters for one campaign - and phone calls are invasive to me, why would I do that to others. Yet I hear that it can be useful for some, so I'm not wholly against it.
I have helped drive un-able folks to the polls in the past. I haven't but I can see helping on occasions when a candidate is in town to speak and they need volunteers to help organize. I've given money when a friend (that I agree with entirely) was running for office (she won).
In my long time neighborhood of yore, we were pretty well known as a couple involved in neighborhood/citizen participation groups and thus fairly well known re our sympathies. But I've never been all that keen on pushing my views on others... just like to explain them when and if it comes up.
Huh, I react in various negative ways to a lot of heavy promotion, though, whether it is about politics or grocery products. I get that promotion is valuable in a campaign for national office -- am just picky about what interests me, and what I'd be willing to do.