@Diest TKO,
I will take it on faith that you are trying to be amicable and truly want to understand. So, in the name of understanding, I'll try again.
First, I'll stir the pot and answer the questions I missed.
Quote:Do you believe that you are entitled to more because you are straight?
Did you have to ask for permission to use the term married?
The answer to both questions is no. In the first question, I am entitled to be treated by the society I live in exactly as everyone else. So are gays. And, in the matter of marriage, we are treated exactly the same. Marriage has always and forever been a covenant between a man and a woman. If you want to put a religious spin on it, then I could say that it has been that way since God put the first man and woman on earth and created them in such a way that they would complement each other. Marriage is what it is. I can marry anyone of the opposite sex. So can you. So can everyone else in this country. My objection to gay marriage is that one group is taking a covenant between a man and woman and twisting it to mean whatever they want it to mean. If they can do that, then what is the sense of defining marriage as anything at all. Let's go all out and eliminate all laws concerning who can and cannot marry. Why not, since it has no meaning.
As for your hypothetical, again I don't think I can answer something to your satisfaction that I have no understanding of. Friendship is a bond that I do not take lightly. Ones views on any subject would never be a basis for me to end a friendship, or as you state it, would never be a basis to force me to make a choice. If there were not a multitude of common ground between myself and someone else, then we would more than likely not be friends in the way I think of friendship. Why in the name of sense would I choose not to be friends with someone I have much in common with simply because we have a vastly different view on one or two subjects, even something as dividing as gay marriage can be. It makes no sense. So I guess what I'm saying in my own convoluted way, is that I believe a person can choose both the friendship and still maintain their belief.
Quote:You as a Christian, are in no way threatened or abused by what another couple (gay or straight) calls their relationship. So why make yourself an obstruction? Why deny gays the right to have their union recognized by the state as a marriage?
I am exercising my right as a citizen in this country to mold the society we live in to what I believe is best. This is no different than someone who pushes for any change in how we live as a society.
Quote:Returning to the Catholics, do you think that the state should not recognized remarried people because it does not fall into their views of marriage?
The state should recognize any marriage between a man and a woman. As I have repeatedly stated, that is what marriage is.
Quote:Do you think that you deserve that title more than a gay couple? If so, why? I want to know why? I want to understand what this phantom threat is.
It has nothing to do with what I deserve or don't deserve. It has everything to do with the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman. There is no phantom threat in the way most would define a threat.
I hope I have now covered everything. I hope this will answer you somewhat satisfactorily. I'm sure you will still not fully understand my objections and may feel I am absolutely and unconditionally wrong. And that's fine. I think you are wrong for thinking the way you do on this subject. Big deal. Doesn't mean we must begin to hate each other or call each other names. Just means we have different beliefs.
Again, I'll repeat that I have no issue with those in a gay relationship wanting the same governmental protections that a married couple enjoys. Rights of inheritance, medical decision making, health benefits, pension rights, etc. are all things they deserve. You won't get any resistance on those things from me.
If you have any further specific questions that I've missed or that you have, I'll gladly try to answer them. But I think the above should pretty much summarize my objections. And yes, it is based mostly on what I believe is God's design for mankind.