Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 09:13 am
@Debra Law,
Hey, Debra, you beat me to it! Keith Olbermann got it right - again.

Donald Trump has spoken and his hair totally intact so presumably there's wasn't any wind to cause a wardrobe malfunction. Nor with the suit he had on could we tell if he has had man reduction. At least, we have to think Miss Pre-jeans shouldn't do any Superbowl halftime shows with Justin Timberlake. She's just phonier and more vain than most pageant show contestants and she wasn't backed up by the Miss California officials but the Donald obviously didn't take their opinion into consideration. The ratings thirsty Miss California show has to at least pay for itself 'cause the Donald obviously can't run casinos and doesn't want to be part of any more losing deals like his most of his contestants on Celebrity Apprentice. I think this was all Trumped up.

On The Today Show this morning with Matt Lauer after being asked if there were any more of these topless photos which might end up being released and she, once again, tried to deny and rationalize. Just in case Wink Wink
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 09:28 am
(that's man tit reduction--this edit is tricky!)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 09:29 am
In happier news, the NY state assembly voted today to legalize gay marriage; now it remains for the Senate to match their votes. The Dem-controlled Senate failed to do this once in the past but signs are hopeful that they will succeed this time.

Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 10:04 am
Awww, Miss California will now start sobbing into her boob job.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 05:15 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:
During the contest, as part of the contest, judge Perez Hilton asked her if she supported or opposed same-sex marriage. Apparently, she was punished for not giving the only acceptable answer. The contestants are graded on their politics now???

Miss Moron was not asked if she personally supported or opposed same-sex marriage. She was asked if every state should follow Vermont's example and legalize same-sex marriage. Here's the question:

"Vermont recently became the fourth state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit? Why or why not?"

Miss Moron did not answer the question. Her response was nonsensical within the context of the actual question presented. Miss Moron's Answer:

"Well I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. Umm. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage, and you know what in my country and in my family I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman no offense to anybody out there but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be between a man and a woman."

Where's her answer to the actual question? Can we interpret her answer to be this: "YES. Every state should follow Vermont's lead and should legalize same-sex marriage because we live in a land [of equal civil rights] and Americans should be able to choose." Or do we interpret her answer as this: "NO. Every state should not follow Vermont's lead and should not legalize same-sex marriage because I was personally raised to believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman."

Again, she did not answer the question presented. She's a numbskull and deserved a failing score. Since then, she has not demonstrated that she's educated or informed in any manner whatsoever.

Check out Olbermann's new segment called WTF!?! featuring the moronic Miss California:

This is a rather ludicrous post. If I'm asked if every state should pass a law, and I reply that I believe that such a law would be wrong, I've answered. She was marked down for her opinion, not for her presentation, which is certainly improper, unless you favor political litmus tests for beauty contests.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 05:20 pm
Lightwizard wrote:

Hey, Debra, you beat me to it! Keith Olbermann got it right - again.

Donald Trump has spoken and his hair totally intact so presumably there's wasn't any wind to cause a wardrobe malfunction. Nor with the suit he had on could we tell if he has had man reduction. At least, we have to think Miss Pre-jeans shouldn't do any Superbowl halftime shows with Justin Timberlake. She's just phonier and more vain than most pageant show contestants and she wasn't backed up by the Miss California officials but the Donald obviously didn't take their opinion into consideration. The ratings thirsty Miss California show has to at least pay for itself 'cause the Donald obviously can't run casinos and doesn't want to be part of any more losing deals like his most of his contestants on Celebrity Apprentice. I think this was all Trumped up.

On The Today Show this morning with Matt Lauer after being asked if there were any more of these topless photos which might end up being released and she, once again, tried to deny and rationalize. Just in case Wink Wink

Speaking only on the subject of the same sex marriage question from Perez Hilton, and not about the photos, it is certainly improper to ask contestants questions about their political views and then mark them down if they don't have the "correct" opinion. It is pretty clear that he graded her on her opinion and not on her presentation.

In fact, doing this is so improper that he should be banned from the contest and all future judges should in some way be warned that contestants may not be graded on their political views.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2009 06:23 pm
I could agree it could be seem to have been a loaded political question but someone who was smart enough wouldn't have answered as an advocate like she did. The answers Perez Hilton expected were just as much about state's rights as gay rights. What she stated was taking a position against state's rights based on her personal religious bent and now we've found out she is being influenced as a mouthpiece for the largely homophobic religious right. Obviously, Log Cabin Republicans and Andrew Sullivan, openly gay conservative columnist for The Atlantic, as examples, are for state's rights and gay rights.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 04:32 am
Lightwizard wrote:

I could agree it could be seem to have been a loaded political question but someone who was smart enough wouldn't have answered as an advocate like she did. The answers Perez Hilton expected were just as much about state's rights as gay rights. What she stated was taking a position against state's rights based on her personal religious bent and now we've found out she is being influenced as a mouthpiece for the largely homophobic religious right. Obviously, Log Cabin Republicans and Andrew Sullivan, openly gay conservative columnist for The Atlantic, as examples, are for state's rights and gay rights.

She was asked to sate her opinion, and gave it. Hilton absolutely clearly marked her down because he didn't like her opinion. Unless you believe that contestants should be queried about political views and marked down if they're conservative, his behavior was utterly wrong, and should have been condemned in the strongest possible terms. Giving beauty pageant contestants a politics test in which they will be marked down if they have an opinion different from yours is an absolute outrage, and no fair minded person would countenance it for a second.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 08:43 am
There have been many political questions given to pageant contestants but they haven't joined any religious or non-religious political group specifically for the cause they are advancing prior to giving the answer. It reveals that she had an axe to grind and delivered, basically, a commercial. No matter what Hilton blurted out, there's still no real proof that she was "marked down" because of the response. Both Perez Hilton and Miss Carry Greenjeans have made peace with each other according to the last news I heard. The fact that she was a lobbyist for the cause of anti-gay marriage and subsequently used the pageant as a dais for a commercial when the cause is obviously losing ground is the way of politics, not beauty pageants.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 01:39 pm
Have you seen the Moscow kerfuffle on this matter? It was reported on the BBC News in the last hour.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 03:38 pm
Donald Trump: Carrie Prejean Can Be Miss California FOREVER!

By Stuart Heritage on Wednesday, May 13, 2009 at 1:00pm

Alright, not forever. But yesterday Donald Trump let Carrie Prejean stay as Miss California despite her nonsense.

It was generous of Donald Trump, since it was thought that Carrie Prejean had violated Miss California law by getting naked for a bunch of photographs and then saying that she didn’t want to live next to any gay people in case they broke into her house in the night and wiped their balls on her face. We’re paraphrasing.

But Carrie Prejean is still Miss California. Admittedly the most disliked Miss California since that child-murdering Nazi goose was accidentally crowned in 1975, but whatever.

Carrie Prejean is a model, and she is a Christian. We know this because Carrie Prejean has repeated it on average 700 times a bloody day ever since she got all like “Urr, gays” at Miss USA last month. And that’s what got her into all this trouble in the first place - not that fact that she won’t shut up about how she secretly thinks that gay people are the root and cause of all human suffering (we’re paraphrasing) but because models are stupid and therefore she’s probably misunderstood quite a large portion of the Bible.

For instance, all that stuff about turning the other cheek? Carrie Prejean clearly took that to mean that she should get her arse out for a photographer. And by doing so she apparently contravened Miss California rule number one, which reads. ‘for crying out loud, lady, could you at least try to keep it in your pants for once?’

Because of this, it looked as if Carrie Prejean’s days as Miss California could be numbered. But that was before kindly Old Man Trump stepped in to save the day with his twinkly eyes and haircut so awful it’s almost like he’s wearing it as a joke. As the owner of the Miss USA contest, Donald Trump was allowed to decide whether Carrie Prejean could keep her job as Miss California or not, as yesterday he decided that she could, saying:

“We’ve reviewed the pictures carefully. We’ve made a determination that the pictures taken were acceptable. Some were risque, but we are in the 21st century… She gave an honorable answer. She gave an answer from her heart, and I think for that she has to be commended.”

Of course Donald Trump forgave Carrie Prejean. He’s got a thing for generosity towards sexy young women with nice boobies, after all - not only did he forgive Tara Conner after she shagged a lot of men on drugs in a pub or something, but he also let Joan Rivers win Celebrity Apprentice this week. And, let’s face it, that woman is a stone-cold fox.

But anyway, the press conference is over and Carrie Prejean is still Miss California, so that should put an end to all this endless petty palaver. Provided, of course, that Carrie Prejean learns from the furore and takes from this the importance of diplomatic silence. What’s that? She said what at the press conference?

“I exercised my freedom of speech and I was punished for doing so. This should not happen in America. It undermines the constitutional rights for which my grandfather fought for (in World War Two). I believe no one should be silenced if they are speaking from their heart. I am a model. I am a Christian.”

Would one of you be able to finish this post off for us? We’re too busy repeatedly smacking our head against our desk.

Okay, I'll take care of it:

The debate ends with: is she a model Christian?
0 Replies
Debra Law
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 05:55 pm
Lightwizard wrote:

Hey, Debra, you beat me to it! Keith Olbermann got it right - again....

Olbermann had some special words for Sarah Palin's (Governor Moron's) defense of Miss Moron, ALSO:

See Miss Wasilla supports Miss California:

Debra Law
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 06:08 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
This is a rather ludicrous post. . . .

Just because you allege my post is "ludicrous" doesn't make it so. Her "answer" to the question as posed was both nonresponsive and nonsensical.

And, what is your understanding of the First Amendment, Brandon? Did anyone violate Miss Moron's constitutionally secured "freedom of speech" by using their own speech to criticize her answer?
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 07:02 pm
@Debra Law,
Well, of course, one famous bimbo (with the obvious gift of gab) comes to the rescue of another who is trying to become famous. Miss Wasilla can see Russia from her house and Miss Pre-jeans can see Hollywood from hers.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 07:03 pm
@Debra Law,
Simply stated, Sarah Palin doesn't understand the Constitution - as well as those pro-Miss California/Palin supporters. LOL

When they become extremists, I guess they forget what they learned in grade school about the Constitution.
Reply Fri 15 May, 2009 07:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Thinking of Orwell's "Animal Farm," all people are equal but they are more equal than others.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 09:17 am
Lightwizard wrote:

There have been many political questions given to pageant contestants but they haven't joined any religious or non-religious political group specifically for the cause they are advancing prior to giving the answer. It reveals that she had an axe to grind and delivered, basically, a commercial. No matter what Hilton blurted out, there's still no real proof that she was "marked down" because of the response. Both Perez Hilton and Miss Carry Greenjeans have made peace with each other according to the last news I heard. The fact that she was a lobbyist for the cause of anti-gay marriage and subsequently used the pageant as a dais for a commercial when the cause is obviously losing ground is the way of politics, not beauty pageants.

She didn't ask herself the question. Hilton asked her the question, and she gave a very, very brief answer reaponding directly to what she was asked. This isn't proper? What was she supposed to do? She's not allowed to briefly answer a direct question put to her? It's proper to ask contestants political questions to which there is only one acceptable answer?

Furthermore, the man says that he marked her down for the political content of her answer. From the Wikipedia article on Carrie Prejean:

In a video blog that he posted to his own website, Hilton referred to Prejean as a "dumb bitch," and called her answer "the worst in pageant history." He also told ABC News that she lost the crown because of how she answered the question,[9] adding that "There are various other ways she could have answered that question and still stayed true to herself without alienating millions of people."

You liberals are about as tolerant of free expression of ideas as the rulers of s0me dictatorship. Hilton should be banned from the contest in the strongest possible terms.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 09:20 am
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

Brandon9000 wrote:
This is a rather ludicrous post. . . .

Just because you allege my post is "ludicrous" doesn't make it so. Her "answer" to the question as posed was both nonresponsive and nonsensical.

And, what is your understanding of the First Amendment, Brandon? Did anyone violate Miss Moron's constitutionally secured "freedom of speech" by using their own speech to criticize her answer?

When did I mention the First Amendment??? My position is that it's improper to give beauty contest winners questions on political matters and then mark them down because they don't share your political views. Any fair-minded person should believe this, and it's quite clear that doesn't include you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 09:21 am
Lightwizard wrote:

Well, of course, one famous bimbo (with the obvious gift of gab) comes to the rescue of another who is trying to become famous. Miss Wasilla can see Russia from her house and Miss Pre-jeans can see Hollywood from hers.

So, it's okay to ask contestants for political opinions and then give them poor marks for not stating the correct opinion? Yes, or no?
Reply Sun 17 May, 2009 09:47 am
Brandon9000 wrote:

Lightwizard wrote:

Well, of course, one famous bimbo (with the obvious gift of gab) comes to the rescue of another who is trying to become famous. Miss Wasilla can see Russia from her house and Miss Pre-jeans can see Hollywood from hers.

So, it's okay to ask contestants for political opinions and then give them poor marks for not stating the correct opinion? Yes, or no?

Why not? It's a meaningless, insulting, and mostly idiotic competition to begin with. Judging contestants capriciously fits right in with the whole thing.


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