Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:21 pm
Published in The New American, magazine of... the John Birch society.

Instead of a 'nice piece' about 'what went down,' you have posted an opinion piece by the farthest-right group in America. Naturally they don't believe Homophobia exists, b/c it would be tantamount to admitting that they themselves are bigots.

Not persuasive in the slightest, please try harder. Maybe you can find a good article on Lyndon LaRouche's website next time Laughing

0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:29 pm
see starting page 55 where Thomas Szasz (who was at the scene of the crime) talks about what went down.,M1
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:33 pm

So? The opinion of bigots is unpersuasive. There still exists no evidence that Homosexuality is a psychological disorder worth listing in the DSM. Even Szasz himself say it shouldn't be listed that way. Did you bother to read the thing you posted? This seems to be a real problem amongst the bigot crowd, posting 'evidence' which is not only not persuasive towards your own case, but actively helps that of your opponent.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:49 pm
Look my friend the APA on this subject have zero creditability they are not a Scientifics organization and have set themselves up by their own words as an advocate for the gay right community.

As far as studies are concern, they went both ways in the era before the APA roll over on the subject.

On this issue, there is also no creditability in the academic community as this is way to must of an emotional hot button issue to allow unbiased research to go forward.

Any researcher who would produce results that did not support the worldview of the gay right movement in any way would be in a world of hurt, as we both know.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:54 pm
BillRM wrote:

Look my friend the APA on this subject have zero creditability they are not a Scientifics organization and have set themselves up by their own words as an advocate for the gay right community.

As far as studies are concern, they went both ways in the era before the APA roll over on the subject.

On this issue, there is also no creditability in the academic community as this is way to must of an emotional hot button issue to allow unbiased research to go forward.

Any researcher who would produce results that did not support the worldview of the gay right movement in any way would be in a world of hurt, as we both know.

Ooh, right.

On one hand, we have a group of Psychologists and Psychiatrists, all who studied this, who had to fight to get these inclusive changes made, even amongst themselves; who had access to the scientific studies and heard persuasive arguments both for and against before making their decision.

On the other, we have an anti-intellectual bigot who claims the entire scientific world is biased against his position.

Who to believe?


If you can't do better then this, don't even bother responding in the future, for it's simply a waste of my time and embarrassing for you, bigot.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:54 pm
The opinion of bigots is unpersuasive
Thank for helping me prove my point that anyone who would dare to think that homosexual is a disorder is a bigot on it face.

Any researcher who studies would support the idea that homosexualtiy is a disorder is not only wrong he is a bigot.

You can not have science with those limitation in place.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 05:56 pm
BillRM wrote:

The opinion of bigots is unpersuasive
Thank for helping me prove my point that anyone who would dare to think that homosexual is a disorder is a bigot on it face.

Any researcher who studies would support the idea that homosexualtiy is a disorder is not only wrong he is a bigot.

You can not have science with those limitation in place.

You misunderstand me; the evidence collected by bigots would be persuasive. Their opinions are not.

I'm a little confused, for my post did not help you prove your point at all.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:12 pm
On one hand, we have a group of Psychologists and Psychiatrists, all who studied this, who had to fight to get these inclusive changes made, even amongst themselves; who had access to the scientific studies and heard persuasive arguments both for and against before making their decision.
The APA has a standing committee with the gay right community!!!!!

A fairly large fraction of it total membership also belong to the APLG!

Yes, I can see how you would view them therefore as an completely unbiased source on the subject<not>.

Oh, concerning the 2005 radio interview you make some comment that it does not matter what his daughter opinion is. What did you mean by that? She did not in the interview express an opinion concerning homosexuals at all that I can remember. All she stated was that he came out to his family as a gay man at his eighty-birthday party.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:22 pm
BillRM wrote:

On one hand, we have a group of Psychologists and Psychiatrists, all who studied this, who had to fight to get these inclusive changes made, even amongst themselves; who had access to the scientific studies and heard persuasive arguments both for and against before making their decision.
The APA has a standing committee with the gay right community!!!!!

A fairly large fraction of it total membership also belong to the APLG!

Yes, I can see how you would view them therefore as an completely unbiased source on the subject<not>.

The APA had a horrible standing with the gay community at the time the changes were made, and the APLG didn't existyet . The decisions were made by a body who was not under some undue influence; for you to casually disregard them as 'biased' is ridiculous and unsupportable. But you of course knew that.

For you to say that the APA cannot be trusted on gay issues, because they have gay membership, is equally ridiculous and quite bigoted of you.

Oh, concerning the 2005 radio interview you make some comment that it does not matter what his daughter opinion is. What did you mean by that? She did not in the interview express an opinion concerning homosexuals at all that I can remember. All she stated was that he came out to his family as a gay man at his eighty-birthday party.

Then why continually bring it up? Because for some reason, you believe this has any bearing whatsoever on the issue. Likely because, as a homophobic bigot, this matters to you. But it does not to the issue as a whole. There's nothing wrong with a person announcing they are gay at age 80, and nothing wrong with gays fighting for rights within the APA.

Just admit that you don't know what the **** you are talking about on this issue, and move on. This constant protestation that you are somehow more knowledgeable and trustworthy on the subject than the APA itself is asinine.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:33 pm
You right I should move on as it is a waste of time dealing on a hot button subject like this with poeple who have a dog in the race.

Yes you are right and the APA is completely correct in it veiwpoint just as it was completely wrong before 1974.

Thank god that the true had come out,
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:39 pm
BillRM wrote:

You right I should move on as it is a waste of time dealing on a hot button subject like this with poeple who have a dog in the race.

Yes you are right and the APA is completely correct in it veiwpoint just as it was completely wrong before 1974.

Thank god that the true had come out,

Like the US is correct to give equal rights to all people, regardless of their race, creed, color, or sexual orientaiton, yes. They were previously wrong and are now correct. This is the history of America, Bill, and the way things are going.

Don't pretend you don't have a 'dog in the race.' You do. You want to keep gays from enjoying the same rights as straights. You want it bad enough to post about it online for months in the defense of bigotry and inequality.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:42 pm
Starting on page 16 gay activist Lawrence Mass, who was involved in keeping the delisting in place, admits that the delisting effort was primarily a political struggle.,M1
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:44 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Starting on page 16 gay activist Lawrence Mass, who was involved in keeping the delisting in place, admits that the delisting effort was primarily a political struggle.,M1

How can you 'start' on page 16, when the book review omits pages 17-53 or so?

Keep searching though, I'm sure you'll find some justification for your homophobia, somewhere in the intertubez.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:46 pm
Don't pretend you don't have a 'dog in the race.' You do. You want to keep gays from enjoying the same rights as straights. You want it bad enough to post about it online for months in the defense of bigotry and inequality

unless you want to argue that murders, child molesters, and rapists are as good as you, don't throw around the assumption that bigotry and inequality are always wrong. It is sometimes wrong, and sometimes right. The burden on you is to convince others that it is wrong in the case of gays. This is not a "give-me", as there are good arguments for why gays should not be equal to the majority.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 06:54 pm
Might be that the blockages shift. I was not aware. On 16 he says amongst other things " Although our struggle was clearly political, my conservative training as a physician continued to suggest to me that "science" ("truth") would prove to be our most powerful weapon."

The good thing is that is does not matter what the APA wants history to show, the actors have mostly died, and before they went they said their piece about what really happened. The record backs Bill's versions of events very well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 07:11 pm
one of the primary ring leaders of the original political push at APA was Judd Marmor....
Judd Marmor, M.D., who served as president of APA in 1975-76, died at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles on December 16, 2003. He was 93.

Marmor’s death came 30 years and one day after APA’s Board of Trustees decided to remove homosexuality as a psychiatric disorder from the second edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-II), thanks in large part to Marmor’s efforts. Insisting that there was no evidence that homosexuality was a mental disorder, Marmor took on the difficult and often unpopular task of spearheading the initiative to depathologize sexual attraction among people of the same gender in the leading compendium of psychiatric diagnoses. The success of this initiative turned Marmor into an enduring hero of the gay-rights movement.

Marmor was a prominent Los Angeles psychoanalyst in the 1960s when he began to challenge publicly his colleagues and APA leaders who maintained that homosexuality was an illness rather than a normal variant of sexual behavior. His opposition to classifying homosexuality as a pathology also challenged the views of Sigmund Freud and most of the other leading psychoanalytic theorists. Marmor had tried for many years to use psychoanalytic techniques with patients who came to him to change their sexual orientation, but he saw that it was a futile endeavor.

He said in the book Making History: The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights, 1945-1990 by Eric Marcus that he finally realized that "psychoanalysts didn’t know enough gay people outside the treatment community who were happy with their lives, who were satisfied and well adjusted. . . . If we made our judgments about the mental health of heterosexuals only from the patients we saw in our office, we’d have to assume that all heterosexuals were mentally disturbed."

For years before APA’s 1973 decision, various segments of society routinely turned to APA’s declaration that homosexuality was a psychiatric illness to justify discriminating against homosexuals. With the hope that psychiatrists could cure a disorder once they had diagnosed it, families frequently forced members into "treatment" in the hope that their relative would emerge as a heterosexual.

"It would be ironic," Marmor wrote in his APA campaign statement in 1974, "if we ourselves were impairing the lives and adaptive potentials of people by our labeling methods."

Sounds like a reasonable conclusion on Marmor's part, but it speaks about the collective not about homosexuality. When the collective rigorously punished homosexuals being homosexual was a problem, when the collective let up it was much less of a problem. Marmor was wrong in blaiming the previous generations of shrinks for being wrong about homosexuality, had he understood that tolerance had changed homosexuality over time he might have had the good sense to wonder if this tolerance was justified.

Better late than never I always say.
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 07:12 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Don't pretend you don't have a 'dog in the race.' You do. You want to keep gays from enjoying the same rights as straights. You want it bad enough to post about it online for months in the defense of bigotry and inequality

unless you want to argue that murders, child molesters, and rapists are as good as you, don't throw around the assumption that bigotry and inequality are always wrong. It is sometimes wrong, and sometimes right. The burden on you is to convince others that it is wrong in the case of gays. This is not a "give-me", as there are good arguments for why gays should not be equal to the majority.

The fact that you would compare gays to criminals highlights your inner bigot. But I'll address the point anyways.

You have to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, why a group should not enjoy equal rights to the majority. It is not incumbent upon any one group to convince you or anyone else that they are equal; our Declaration of Independance, the founding document of our democracy, makes this clear:

“ We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Get that? All men created equal.

The burden lies upon you, bigot, to explain why they should not be equal. You say there are good arguments; you certainly haven't presented them.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 07:17 pm

Sounds like a reasonable conclusion on Marmor's part, but it speaks about the collective not about homosexuality. When the collective rigorously punished homosexuals being homosexual was a problem, when the collective let up it was much less of a problem. Marmor was wrong in blaiming the previous generations of shrinks for being wrong about homosexuality, had he understood that tolerance had changed homosexuality over time he might have had the good sense to wonder if this tolerance was justified.

Better late than never always say.

You betray your ignorance once again. Disorders are not dependent on the attitudes of the majority; they are typified by internal distress and harm they cause to the happiness and livelihood of the patient, regardless of the attitudes of those around them. Schizophrenia is a disorder no matter what the societal attitude about it is; Homosexuality is not. There exists no evidence that, outside attitudes held by bigots such as yourself, that homosexuality causes mental distress in any fashion; this is why the DSM delisted it over the objections of the homophobes at the time.

There is a whole bevvy of information, scientific information, at play here, which neither of you morons has a single clue about. The APA and APLG do not exist to justify your opinions or not; the history of the APA says nothing about the correctness of homosexuality in our society. But it does say a lot about how the forces of inclusiveness and tolerance have overcome bigots such as you and Bill time after time; and they will continue to do so.

Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 07:43 pm
Wow, what a firestorm of misleading misinformation attempting and totally failing to convince that there were no scientific and proceedural studies for decades before the decision and ultimate vote where the collective who have the education and experience to decide to overwhelmingly vote to strike down homosexuality as a mental disorder. Maybe it should have been a Proposition or constitutional amendment where the totally uneducation and inexperienced can make judgement on the mental health of a section of society that's been around for centuries.

BRM continues to ignore producing anyone hurt physically, financially or any other way by the boycotting and demonstrations against Prop 8 -- that will eventually happen in the courts and it will be a legal decision.

They're running scared in very dark room and bound to run into the wall.
Diest TKO
Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2009 07:48 pm
How they can ignore what is put right in front of them is beyond me. I can understand disagreeing with it, but they pretend as if it doesn't even exist. If they want to disagree, we can at least have a discussion on the merits of why, but we can't even get there because they won't admit that scientific studies about this topic have been done...



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