BillRM wrote:
Nothing at all wrong with a little social pressure on scientists to get your view of the universe approved is that your position?
No. My position is that science was converging on the conclusion that homosexuality was not a mental illness. The role of social pressure in this case was public outcry to recognize that fact.
You are giving social factors more credit while I give science more credit.
BillRM wrote:
Hmm Lest see you explain to all of us how that is not the same as when a little social pressure where placed on the scientist Galileo to declare that he was in error and the earth does not in fact revolve around the sun but the other way around.
It's not the same because the social pressure here would not be in support of science but in spite of it. done.
BillRM wrote:
You can to this day proudly point out that the great scientist Galileo stated as a scientific fact that the earth is the center of the universe.
What's your point?
BillRM wrote:
Sorry you can not at one hand, at lest honestly, declare something is a scientific fact and with the other hand applause the pressure that was place to have it so declare a fact.
Yes I certainly can, and quite honestly at that. You're logic is totally flawed, and your comprehension of what I'm saying is even worse.
You see, the victory of the APA's decision would not be as meaningful had scientists before, then, now, and in our future continued to study and further our understanding of homosexuality.
You think the APA's stance is exclusive to social pressure. I give credit to the studies that they could no longer ignore and the social pressure was to acknowledge that fact.
BillRM wrote:
Science does not disagree with my position a social movement that is powerful enough to limit and bend expert opinions disagree with my position science sadly had nothing to do with it.
Your position is not empirical at all. Let's look at exactly what you just posted...
"Science sadly had nothing to do with it."
Yet, not but two posts ago, I link to you at your convenience a article about research prior to any social call to remove homosexuality from the lists of mental disorders. Did you bother to educate yourself on it? If you had, you would know why what you posted above is at best ignorant, at worst an outright lie.
You choose.
BillRM wrote:
One fact we do know before that little social pressure was place on the APA it position was that homosexuality was a disorder, just as before a little social pressure was place on Galileo he was under the ‘wrong’ impression that the earth revolve around the sun.
How much money goes into researching flat earth theory again Bill?
The Universal model has changed over time, and when we learned that the earth directly orbited the sun (bad example BTW, you're talking to an Aerospace Engineer...) we updated the universal model. We've done that several times.
You've rambled about the power of the majority, but somehow think that the minority is responcible for this change in psychological understanding. If there was no science (AS YOU DIRECTLY CLAIM) in the verdict on gays, then homosexuality would be back on the list, and most likely would have never left the list to begin with. But here we are and before, then, and now we continue to see empirically that homosexuals are not sociopaths.
You argument is impotent and you know it. You don't have the science to conclusively back up your claims RE: gays, so you just attack the decision to support those who did have the science contrary to your beliefs.
It's pretty cowardly: You don't acknowledge the science that went into the decision so you can reduce the decision to a matter of simple social outcry, which you illustrate are either whining to get "wants" of unearned windfalls from the backs of society's only contributors--heterosexuals OR you paint widely gays as being scary violent sociopaths hellbent on shredding the fabric of society so they can satiate their perverse carnal desires. Forget the labor of those who had spent years studying the subject and found that there was never a threat to begin with.
Bottom line: Being gay isn't a disease, I'm not asking you to take my word for it, you can get educated and see for yourself.