The Effects of Marriage, Civil Union, and Domestic Partnership Laws on the Health and Well-being of Children
Mark McConnell, MD, FAAP, FCCP
Pediatric Intensive Care
St Luke's Children's Hospital
Boise, ID 83712
To the Editor."
I read with great concern the article entitled "The Effects of Marriage, Civil Union, and Domestic Partnership Laws on the Health and Well-being of Children."1 This article seemed to be published more for political expediency than for its scientific contribution to the practice of pediatrics. I believe that this article is pseudoscientific because it does not share any original research and its review of the medical literature regarding the impact of homosexuality on children, families, and society is significantly biased. This article would have been better suited for the commentary section of Pediatrics.
Although the first part of the article is presented as an unbiased review of marriage laws, the reader is certainly left with the impression that such laws are unfair or discriminatory toward homosexual couples, although these laws were passed by a majority of the legislators or voting public. The second half of the article is a biased review of the literature regarding the outcomes of children raised in homosexual relationships. Even a cursory review of the literature on homosexuality would demonstrate the significant negative health consequences of the homosexual lifestyle with its resulting burdens on the family. The authors do not give a balanced review, nor do they highlight the significant methodologic problems in the studies they do present.2"4
Previous research on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual (LGBT) people has demonstrated that LGBT people as a whole (1) have a much higher incidence of drug addiction to methamphetamines and cocaine than heterosexuals,5,6 (2) were more likely to be victims of domestic violence,5,6 (3) were twice as likely to be on psychotropic medications,5,7 (4) have higher incidence of non-HIV sexually transmitted diseases,8 and (5) have a significantly increased risk of suicidal ideation and suicide completion.7,9 In addition, homosexual men have a life expectancy that is 8 to 20 years less than heterosexual men10,11 and are much less likely to be involved in monogamous relationships.12 Also, legal homosexual marriages in Norway and Sweden were more likely to end in divorce than heterosexual marriages.13 The Pawelski et al study fails to address the implications of these facts on the well-being of children.
In addition, the article fails to acknowledge multiple studies that date back to the work of Erik Eriksen that demonstrate that the input of both a mother and father are important for the normal psychosocial development of children.13"15 Research has also demonstrated that children raised in homes with intact heterosexual marriages do better psychosocially and educationally than children raised in other settings, including single-parent homes, step-family homes, or in homes with homosexual relationships.16,17
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