@Cliff Hanger,
You know squat about New England clam chowder. Your claim about chowder being broth-based is relevant only to Manhattan chowder and southern fish chowders. Your only relationship to New England chowder is that if you puked up your nonsense
in New England, you'd be referred to as a chowdah-head. You know very little about Wikipedia if you believe it can so easily be edited, but whether or not that were true, it's simple enough to discredit any claim at Wikipedia by proving it isn't true, or posting a counter-claim from another source which you allege is more reliable.
You don't have a handful of spit to back up your silly claims.
Your use of English in the second paragraph of the post referred to makes me question all the more if you are an American, and in fact to wonder if you are even a native speaker of English. I wear no lapel pins, and wearing one has nothing to do with being an American. I was born in New York, and have lived all my life in the United States, except for wandering around the world somewhat in the three years i spent in the United States Army, having enlisted.
The more you post, the more ridiculous you make yourself look. The best thing you could do with the chowder topic is to drop it, because you are making yourself out to be a great braying jackass by insisting upon what everyone else knows is BS.