You and your girlfriend Cyclo seem to think the spoken word has no meaning.
You and your want us to believe that when the spoken word of Biden is posted on a web site acurately, we should consider the web site a "rightwingnut" website.
You are typical of the Democratic Partisan who refuse to accept the FACT that Obama is just another in a long line of slick talking, empty suit liberal Democrats who will say and do anything to be elected.
You may be fool enough to buy into Obama's rhetoric. You may be fool enough to believe that if Obama wins and gets in bed with Bella Pelosi and Hairy Reid, those 3 will suck the property I earn right from my pocket and continue to spend away as is typical with the Liberal agenda.
One day you fools will wake up and understand that.
Until then, feel free to lay whatever colorful attacks you feel necessary on me that only really coverup the ignorance you have.