There a very good logical reason to view firearms involved in an accident as significantly different from accidents which involve things which were not intended to do gross bodily harm, as is the intent with firearms. So, in the example used by another member of skateboards, accidents involving skateboadrs which will result in gross bodily harm or death are of a very low order of probability. Even when not used properly, skateboards in and of themselves cannot reasonably be considered to be uniformly dangerous, and accidents involving skateboards are very unlikely to result in gross bodily harm or death. On the other hand, firearms are designed and manufactured with the intent of causing gross bodily harm and possibly death, and accidents involving firearms, especially those resulting from situations in which the firearm is improperly handled, have a much higher order of probability of resulting in gross bodily harm or death than is the case with skateboards--higher by many orders of magnitude.
Therefore, to compare firearms to skateboards, or to compare firearms to fire extinguishers, is incredibly stupid.
Nonsense there are any numbers of things we allow our young people to do that place them at the same or greater risk of harm or death then using a firearm on a gun range.
Motorcycle riding, rock climbing, any number of sports such as football come to mind where the risk of a bad outcome is equal or must more then at a firing range.
And the only fall back you can give is that a firearm is a tool design for killing and my reply is so what?