Mon 27 Oct, 2008 02:45 pm
Not that it really matters for me now - but in college I could've really used the stuff. With kids you can't really party any more because in the morning, they wake you up - and unlike my cats, I can't really just shove them off my bed when they want to eat so I live the life of the non-partier.
I did see this in the liquor store the other day and thought man - does it really work? Has anyone tried it? Maybe I can become a partier again..
What is "it", lin? I've never heard of Chaser Plus.
Short answer, No...
Stay hydrated, drink responsibly.
(hydrate again after you get home, before sleep)
@Merry Andrew,
It is a pill or something that supposed to prevent hangovers. I think you are supposed to take it before you start drinking - although I am not sure.
I just saw the package for it and remember hearing about it. I couldn't bring myself to pick up the package and read it though.
I can't really drink alot any way - I get way to tired as I rarely get enough sleep and then with two kids I would have to care for - it ain't worth it.
Here's what their website says:
There are two reasons more people turn to Chaser Plus for hangover prevention than any other hangover medicine. It works and it’s safe. Unlike aspirin, acetaminophen and other hangover remedies, Chaser Plus helps prevent hangover symptoms before they occur. And Chaser Plus is a safe alternative to those hangover cures, most of which carry serious alcohol warnings. Just take two Chaser Plus hangover pills with your first drink, and two more later to help you wake up feeling great.
The Chaser Plus hangover pill is designed to help stop headache, nausea, sensitivity to noise and light, dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth and other hangover symptoms from turning a great night into a miserable morning.
I won't pretend to be a medical expert, but my sis owns a bar, and I used to work there quite a bit.
Hangovers and cures are often a topic, and most were decided by the group to be basically helping you hydrate. (you are supposed to take it with water)
and I apologize, one of my fans apparently applied a snide tag to your thread...
I put the drunks tag on - "my attempt at being funny" - notice though I only make fun of myself.
ahh, I will watch further for more humor.
(when I'm struggling, I sometimes resort to humour...)
Well jeepers those ingredients make what is in "it" as clear as mud to me.
I think Rockhead has it about right -- it's just a placebo which induces you to drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. Be like me. If you don't drink, you don't get hangovers. I've had more than my share in the past but not for more than 13 years now.
I like the vomit thought bettah.
No need to panic, chai.
Nus vomica or strychnine is sometimes prescribed in small doses. I foget what for. I think it works as a diuretic. Or perhaps emetic.
Yes, it works.... I won't drink without it. Just wish I could find a cheaper place to buy it. Cost about $35 for a bottle of 40. My husband uses it too and prefers to drink with it.