Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 06:59 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I have been throwing around insults, which the truth happens to coincide with I think in this case, ci, my apologies, but we are supposed to be honest here. Rolling Stone got its start during the drug crazed 60's right, and that was the culture of the publication and its readership. I have never felt compelled to read leftie extremist publications as rolling stone, that worships at the altar of pop culture and the drug culture. Perhaps it has reformed a bit, I don't know, but really don't care to find out. I am sure they may mix in a few facts to spice their strange view of the world, but does that make it wholly credible, I doubt it.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 07:36 pm
Sounds like the same McCain/Palin accusation against Obama's connection to the domestic terrorist, Ayers, when Obama was eight years old. You must learn to come live in the present time; the world has changed dramatically since the 60s. Really.

I didn't know the Rolling Stone was still in existence until today. What you need to learn to do is attack the content of their article with credible facts rather than your own imagined opinions that has no basis in fact.
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 08:11 pm
@cicerone imposter,
When Obama was 8 years old, ci, surely you aren't going to use that as an excuse that Obama gives. He uses that line every time to brush it off. I don't think Obama was 8 years old when Ayers hosted Obamas campaign kickoff in Illinois in Ayers livingroom? And I don't think Obama was 8 years old when Ayers and Obama served together on the Woods Foundation to administer its leftist agendas. And I don't think Obama was 8 years old when Ayers was a friend of his. And I don't think Obama was 8 years old when Ayers said in 2001 that the only thing he regrets about the bombing attempts is that he should have done more, as this is what he said: ''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'' . I guess he wishes he could have blown up more buildings, maybe the Whitehouse or a few other things, who really knows, this is a criminal mind, ci. And it might be ignored a little easier if we didn't already know that Obama's mentor and pastor for 20 years is on record for ranting against capitalism, white people, rich people, and concerning 911, the chickens had come home to roost, plus praising Hugo Chavez and other leftist dictators.

Of course, bomb throwers and and other hate mongers are nothing to worry about, right ci? Fact is I heard Ayers is now some kind of honored guest speaker to the University of Nebraska, but then again we see who is honored in academia, don't we? Too bad Timothy McVeigh is not still alive, perhaps he could make a bunch of money giving speeches?

In regard to Rolling Stone, I'm sorry, but I am not going to worry about the content of some things, if the people putting it out have no credibility. I don't have that much time to spare, ci, maybe you do?
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 08:15 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Please show us proof that those articles written in Rolling Stone are "a bunch of druggies?" Any credible evidence will suffice. Your opinion is worth zilch.

and the 2 issue excerpts of "fear and loathing in las vegas" by hunter s. thompson from the early seventies do not count. Laughing

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 08:24 pm
by the way, boys.

about "druggies" and "journalism"?

how about that closet narcotics addict, rush limbaugh? i have to wonder if he was already on the nod back in the day when he managed to get himself classified 4f for a pimple on his big, fat ass.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 08:41 pm
Okie wrote:
... this is a criminal mind

In actuality, yours is the criminal mind. You continually provide cover for a group in the WH that is the equivalent of the Mafia, worse in many respects because they are supposed to be the good guys.

You know that the Repugs are engaged in this sordid business of stealing people's right to vote. That's the very antithesis of democracy and yet there you are, clapping and urging them on.

... and concerning 911, the chickens had come home to roost,

That's the fact Jack! That attack was due solely by US foreign policy. The CIA predicted that it would happen. The number of people killed by US terrorism and US sponsored terrorism vastly outnumbers the number killed on 9-11.

And you agree with and provide support for these many many murders.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 08:48 pm
okie's brain has been so thoroughly brainwashed, there's no hope for any recovery back to rationality and logic. That his imagination runs away with lies and innuendos like the McCain/Palin trash is the evidence and proof.

NOTE: The Obama campaign has asked the Attorney General for a special investigator to look into the McCain/Palin/Bush/Cheney/Rove voter fraud scare perpetrated in 2000, 2004, 2006, and now in 2008. I hope they all hang for their crimes against our democratic republic. There have also been many republican congress members who have sent letters to the Attorney General to look into the voter fraud being perpetrated by ACORN; a tactic they used since 2000. They should all hang - in shame.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Oct, 2008 09:25 pm
Once again, McCain is the hypocrite. G Gordon Liddy is a convicted felon. Is he able to vote?


Why is the NY Times continuing to ignore McCain's "own Bill Ayers"?

The Times, moreover, quoted McCain criticizing Obama for his association with Ayers without noting that Chapman has faulted McCain for what Chapman described as McCain's "howling hypocrisy on the subject."

As Media Matters for America has noted, Liddy served four and a half years in prison in connection with his conviction for his role in the Watergate break-in and the break-in at the office of the psychiatrist of Daniel Ellsberg, the military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers.

Liddy has acknowledged preparing to kill someone during the Ellsberg break-in "if necessary"; plotting to murder journalist Jack Anderson; plotting with a "gangland figure" to murder Howard Hunt to stop him from cooperating with investigators; plotting to firebomb the Brookings Institution; and plotting to kidnap "leftist guerillas" at the 1972 Republican National Convention -- a plan he outlined to the Nixon administration using terminology borrowed from the Nazis. (The murder, firebombing, and kidnapping plots were never carried out; the break-ins were.) During the 1990s, Liddy reportedly instructed his radio audience on multiple occasions on how to shoot Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agents and also reportedly said he had named his shooting targets after Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Liddy has donated $5,000 to McCain's campaigns since 1998, including $1,000 in February 2008. In addition, McCain has appeared on Liddy's radio show during the presidential campaign, including as recently as May. An online video labeled "John McCain On The G. Gordon Liddy Show 11/8/07" includes a discussion between Liddy and McCain, whom Liddy described as an "old friend." During the segment, McCain praised Liddy's "adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great," said he was "proud" of Liddy, and said that "it's always a pleasure for me to come on your program."

Additionally, in 1998, Liddy reportedly held a fundraiser at his home for McCain. Liddy was reportedly scheduled to speak at another fundraiser for McCain in 2000. The Charlotte Observer reported on January 23, 2000, that McCain's campaign vouched for Liddy's "character":

His [McCain's] campaign officials said Liddy's character will appeal to many voters because he was following orders from President Nixon and kept silent afterward.

"His (Liddy's) judgment might be in question, but I don't think his character is," said Ed Walker, the York County chairman of McCain's campaign. "He was following orders just like any good soldier, and he didn't tell on anybody. He felt like he was on a mission and kept his silence."

Liddy's 2000 speech was reportedly canceled due to bad weather.

Media Matters has documented that as of September 19, the Times had published 15 news articles and four opinion pieces referencing Obama's ties to Ayers. Since then, in addition to the October 4 article, the Times has published two more articles mentioning the association.

But despite having apparently judged Chapman's opinions on the candidates' controversial associations as being newsworthy, the Times has ignored entirely McCain's relationship with Liddy, according to a search of the Nexis database from January 1 through October 4*.

In his May 4 Tribune column, Chapman wrote:

What McCain didn't mention is that he has his own Bill Ayers -- in the form of G. Gordon Liddy. Now a conservative radio talk-show host, Liddy spent more than 4 years in prison for his role in the 1972 Watergate burglary. That was just one element of what Liddy did, and proposed to do, in a secret White House effort to subvert the Constitution. Far from repudiating him, McCain has embraced him.

How close are McCain and Liddy? At least as close as Obama and Ayers appear to be. In 1998, Liddy's home was the site of a McCain fundraiser. Over the years, he has made at least four contributions totaling $5,000 to the senator's campaigns -- including $1,000 this year.

Last November, McCain went on his radio show. Liddy greeted him as "an old friend," and McCain sounded like one. "I'm proud of you, I'm proud of your family," he gushed. "It's always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great."

Which principles would those be? The ones that told Liddy it was fine to break into the office of the Democratic National Committee to plant bugs and photograph documents? The ones that made him propose to kidnap anti-war activists so they couldn't disrupt the 1972 Republican National Convention? The ones that inspired him to plan the murder (never carried out) of an unfriendly newspaper columnist?

Liddy was in the thick of the biggest political scandal in American history -- and one of the greatest threats to the rule of law. He has said he has no regrets about what he did, insisting that he went to jail as "a prisoner of war."

All this may sound like ancient history. But it's from the same era as the bombings Ayers helped carry out as a member of the Weather Underground. And Liddy's penchant for extreme solutions has not abated.


0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 10:07 am
Here's the Rolling Stone article, "Block the Vote"
Will the GOP's campaign to deter new voters and discard Democratic ballots determine the next president?
ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. & GREG PALASTPosted Oct 30, 2008 11:10 AM
http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/23638322/block_the_vote "Suppressing the vote has long been a cornerstone of the GOP's electoral strategy. Shortly before the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, Paul Weyrich " a principal architect of today's Republican Party " scolded evangelicals who believed in democracy. "Many of our Christians have what I call the 'goo goo' syndrome " good government," said Weyrich, who co-founded Moral Majority with Jerry Falwell. "They want everybody to vote. I don't want everybody to vote. . . . As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down."

Today, Weyrich's vision has become a national reality. Since 2003, according to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, at least 2.7 million new voters have had their applications to register rejected. In addition, at least 1.6 million votes were never counted in the 2004 election " and the commission's own data suggests that the real number could be twice as high. To purge registration rolls and discard ballots, partisan election officials used a wide range of pretexts, from "unreadability" to changes in a voter's signature. And this year, thanks to new provisions of the Help America Vote Act, the number of discounted votes could surge even higher.

Passed in 2002, HAVA was hailed by leaders in both parties as a reform designed to avoid a repeat of the 2000 debacle in Florida that threw the presidential election to the U.S. Supreme Court. The measure set standards for voting systems, created an independent commission to oversee elections, and ordered states to provide provisional ballots to voters whose eligibility is challenged at the polls.

But from the start, HAVA was corrupted by the involvement of Republican superlobbyist Jack Abramoff, who worked to cram the bill with favors for his clients. (Both Abramoff and a primary author of HAVA, former Rep. Bob Ney, were imprisoned for their role in the conspiracy.) In practice, many of the "reforms" created by HAVA have actually made it harder for citizens to cast a ballot and have their vote counted. In case after case, Republican election officials at the local and state level have used the rules to give GOP candidates an edge on Election Day by creating new barriers to registration, purging legitimate names from voter rolls, challenging voters at the polls and discarding valid ballots.

To justify this battery of new voting impediments, Republicans cite an alleged upsurge in voting fraud. Indeed, the U.S.-attorney scandal that resulted in the resignation of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales began when the White House fired federal prosecutors who resisted political pressure to drum up nonexistent cases of voting fraud against Democrats. "They wanted some splashy pre-election indictments that would scare these alleged hordes of illegal voters away," says David Iglesias, a U.S. attorney for New Mexico who was fired in December 2006. "We took over 100 complaints and investigated for almost two years " but I didn't find one prosecutable case of voter fraud in the entire state of New Mexico."
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 10:30 am
I was hoping your article would mention the investigation into the voter fraud claims made by the GOP. I hope we'll be able to find one soon, and before this election.

I found this: http://washingtonindependent.com/13548/breaking-obama-demands-special-prosecutor-investigate-gop-voter-fraud
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 10:53 am
@cicerone imposter,
Yes. I posted an article about that on this thread yesterday. Guess you missed it but it bears repeating that Obama is up on things enough to call for an investigation. This is from Rolling Stone, "There's a reason Iglesias couldn't find any evidence of fraud: Individual voters almost never try to cast illegal ballots. The Bush administration's main point person on "ballot protection" has been Hans von Spakovsky, a former Justice Department attorney who has advised states on how to use HAVA to erect more barriers to voting. Appointed to the Federal Election Commission by Bush, von Spakovsky has suggested that voter rolls may be stuffed with 5 million illegal aliens. In fact, studies have repeatedly shown that voter fraud is extremely rare. According to a recent analysis by Lorraine Minnite, an expert on voting crime at Barnard College, federal courts found only 24 voters guilty of fraud from 2002 to 2005, out of hundreds of millions of votes cast. "The claim of widespread voter fraud," Minnite says, "is itself a fraud."
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 11:03 am
Thank you, blueflame. What makes this more interesting is the fact the in Florida, we heard news reports of republicans actually depressing minority voters by their scare tactics and scaring them away from voting sites.

They have the chutzpah to cry "bloody murder" about ACORN, a nonprofit agency that tries to get people to register to vote. The fact that there are questionable applications through ACORN doesn't make their organization any more criminal than anybody trying to fraud the system of voter registration. It's up to the government agency that controls voters to ensure that each voter produces the correct address and ID before they are allowed to vote.

Voter registration is but one of the processes that must be controlled; electronic voting machines have been found to be one area fraud can be perpetrated, and the people counting the votes is also another area that must be controlled to ensure there is no fraud in ballots being miscounted or thrown out. All of these issues have been revealed during past elections, and many still use those electronic voting machines, and thousands of ballots found in trash cans.
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 11:09 am
@cicerone imposter,
ACORN did nothing criminal. They followed the letter of the law turning in all registrations and pointing out the questionable ones as required. Truthfully McCain has used ACORN as a diversion from a well organized GOP effort to wrongfully disenfranchise voters. McCain projected his own sleaze onto a venerable and exemplary organization bent on Democracy.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 11:13 am
I hope McCain is charged with a crime that uses politics to scare away legal voters from registering.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 11:14 am
More "Voter Fraud" Idiocy
by georgia10
Sat Oct 18, 2008 at 09:45:04 AM PDT
Watch Lauren Ingraham's "voter fraud" lies get absolutely debunked by John Flannery, a great legal mind: http://www.dailykos.com/
Ingraham isn't stupid. She clerked for Justice Thomas. She knows the difference between voter registration fraud and voter fraud. But she willfully is blind to any logic or sense of integrity as she spews forth GOP lies, without any regard to truth. In other words, she clearly demonstrates in this clip why she is so qualified to work at FOX "News".

Ingraham, like others looking to set up some excuse for a possible McCain defeat other than the failure of conservatism, claims that there are 200,000 "questionable ballots" in Ohio (there are 200,000 names which do not match exactly with government databases). I can also claim that I look like Angelina Jolie. It ain't gonna be true.

Just because your name doesn't match up letter to letter to massive government databases does not mean that you are attempting to perpetrate a fraud or that your ballot is "questionable." It means that along the way in the registration process, someone screwed up. Either the handwriting on the registration form was sloppy, or the government employee keying the name in had a slip of the finger. In either scenario, it's carelessness, not a criminal mind that is the root of the problem.

Mary Pat Flaherty reports in the Washington Post today that the glitches are random and widespread:

It is impossible to know how many voters are affected nationwide. There are no reports of large-scale problems in Virginia, Maryland or the District, but the trouble is cropping up in many states.

In Alabama, scores of voters are being labeled as convicted felons on the basis of incorrect lists.

Michigan must restore thousands of names it illegally removed from voter rolls over residency questions, a judge ruled this week.

Tens of thousands of voters could be affected in Wisconsin. Officials there admit that their database is wrong one out of five times when it flags voters, sometimes for data discrepancies as small as a middle initial or a typo in a birth date. When the six members of the state elections board -- all retired judges -- ran their registrations through the system, four were incorrectly rejected because of mismatches.

The widespread nature of the problem is exactly why the GOP is clinging so tightly to this voter suppression tactic.

Sure, Republicans get caught up in the problem as well (see Exhibit A, Joe "Joseph Wurzelbacher" Worzelbacher). But note the trick here. The GOP in Ohio didn't ask for all name mismatches to be crosschecked and challenged. No, the Ohio GOP merely insisted only that those who registered since January 1, 2008 be targeted. And the numbers are clear: by vast margins, new voters who registered this year live in highly Democratic areas.

The tactic is both ugly and unfair, which, of course, makes it a perfect lie to be spewed forth on Fox News, 24/7.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 11:27 am
Some early W.Va. voters angry over switched votes
Jackson County touch-screens switched votes, 3 residents say
At least three early voters in Jackson County had a hard time voting for candidates they want to win.
By Paul J. Nyden
Staff writer

At least three early voters in Jackson County had a hard time voting for candidates they want to win.

Virginia Matheney and Calvin Thomas said touch-screen machines in the county clerk's office in Ripley kept switching their votes from Democratic to Republican candidates.

"When I touched the screen for Barack Obama, the check mark moved from his box to the box indicating a vote for John McCain," said Matheney, who lives in Kenna.

When she reported the problem, she said, the poll worker in charge "responded that everything was all right. It was just that the screen was sensitive and I was touching the screen too hard. She instructed me to use only my fingernail."

Even after she began using her fingernail, Matheney said, the problem persisted.

When she tried to vote for candidates running for two open seats on the Supreme Court, the electronic machine canceled her second vote twice.

On her third try, Matheney managed to cast votes for both Menis Ketchum and Margaret Workman, Democratic candidates for the two open seats.

Calvin Thomas, 81, who retired from Kaiser Aluminum in Ravenswood in 1983 and now lives in Ripley, experienced the same problem.

"When I pushed Obama, it jumped to McCain. When I went down to governor's office and punched [Gov. Joe] Manchin, it went to the other dude. When I went to Karen Facemyer [the incumbent Republican state senator], I pushed the Democrat, but it jumped again.

"The rest of them were OK, but the machine sent my votes for those top three offices from the Democrat to the Republican," Thomas said.

"When I hollered about that, the girl who worked there said, 'Push it again.' I pushed Obama again and it stayed there. Then, the machine did the same thing for other candidates.

"Why didn't she [the polling clerk] tell me before I even used the machine that might happen? And how many people, especially my age, didn't notice that?

more http://www.wvgazette.com/News/200810170676?page=1&build=cache
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 12:03 pm
It would be interesting to see if any investigation is done on those machines, not only in Ripley, but other districts that uses those same machines. I doubt anything will come of it, because those in high places aren't about to investigate themselves.
Reply Sat 18 Oct, 2008 12:12 pm
@cicerone imposter,
At least it should put people on high alert. People gonna have to fight for their vote and for it to be counted. My friend in Virginia says she has the right to ask for a paper ballot and will.
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